与“vcruntime140.dll”相关的错误提示通常在以下几种情况下出现:1. 启动依赖于Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable的应用程序时许多应用程序(尤其是用C++开发的应用程序)依赖于Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable包来运行。缺少vcruntime140.dll文件会导致这些应用程序无法启动。2. 安装或更新应用程序时在安装或更...
Other common vcruntime140.dll errors include: “vcruntime140.dll is missing” “vcruntime140.dll error loading” “vcruntime140.dll crash” “vcruntime140.dll was not found” “vcruntime140.dll could not be located” “vcruntime140.dll Access Violation” ...
无法定位程序输入点 [function_name] 于动态链接库 vcruntime140_1.dll 上(The procedure entry point [function_name] could not be located in the dynamic link library vcruntime140_1.dll.) 由于找不到vcruntime140_1.dll,无法继续执行代码(Cannot continue execution because vcruntime140_1.dll was no...
工具将开始扫描你的系统,查找缺失或损坏的vcruntime140.dll文件。 执行vcruntime140.dll修复: 选择需要修复的vcruntime140.dll文件,然后点击“修复”或“替换”按钮。 工具将自动下载并安装正确的vcruntime140.dll文件到系统目录中。 运行系统文件检查器(SFC): 打开命令提示符: 在开始菜单中搜索“cmd”或“命令提...
"无法启动程序,因为您的计算机缺少vcruntime140_1.dll。尝试重新安装该程序以解决此问题。" "The program can't start because vcruntime140_1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." 文件损坏错误: ...
缺失错误:"vcruntime140_1.dll is missing" 是用户常见遇到的问题,这可能是因为文件被删除、损坏或没有正确安装相关的 Visual C++ Redistributable。 兼容性问题:不同版本的 Visual C++ Redistributable 之间可能存在兼容性问题,因此有时需要特别注意安装正确版本的分发包。
Reboot the software and reinstall it from a verified source. If this method didn't help you, use the following one. Summary Following all the listed methods, the user can quickly fix the error "vccorlib140_app.dll is missing". Now in your PC, the Windows operating system is fully ready...
VCRUNTIME140_1.dll error. Download and Install Microsoft VC runtimeto fix this error for all Adobe Elements apps on Windows. Please install both the binaries: 1. X86 vc_redistx86.exe 2. X64 vc_redistx64.exe For further assistance, please reach out toAdobe Chat Support. ...
Learn how to fix the DLL errors that you get when launching Adobe Elements on Windows. Are you are facing a VCRUNTIME140_1.dll missing error when launching any of the Adobe Elements apps on Windows? VCRUNTIME140_1.dll error. Download and Install Microsoft VC runtime to fix this error ...
LoadLibrary: I checked the _MEI51162, both VCRUNTIME140.dll and python36.dll is there but the python36.dll has a size about 1 MB instead of 3 MB. It doesn't matter if I check the onefile or not both of them give me the same error. Thanks....