8 女性,45 岁,遭车祸时左季肋部撞伤脾破裂。血压80/60mmHg(10.6/8kPa),神志尚清楚,脉搏 120 次/分,表情淡漠,口渴,面色苍白。估计出血量达A400500ml.〜B600700ml.〜C8001600m.〜lD170〜.02400mE>2400ml.答案答案:C试题点评:据患者临床表现诊断为休克中度, 因此选择 Co ...
The invention discloses a kind of broadcast signal receivers. A kind of broadcast signal receiver includes that synchronous & demodulation modules execute signal detection and OFDM demodulation to received broadcast signal according to embodiments of the present invention; Frame parses the broadcast singal...
老梁解读:卡扎菲个人财富究竟有多少?600亿美金只是冰山一角!2019-12-21 10:47:44 美食餐厅吧 举报 0 分享至 0:00 / 0:00 速度 洗脑循环 Error: Hls is not supported. 视频加载失败 美食餐厅吧 5353粉丝 每日推荐最新美食 01:24 在华印度人说出真心话:我们被国内暴骂为叛徒 但更愿意留在中国 ...