VC SpyGlass CDC DATASHEET Smarter and faster low noise clock domain crossing verification Overview Among the many verification challenges confronting system-on-chip (SoC) designers today, clock domain crossings (CDC) ranks near the top in difficulty. Today's SoCs have dozens, sometimes even hundreds...
Spyglass原是Atrenta旗下的静态检查工具,占据CDC/RDC sign-off工具的大部分市场份额。后来Synopsys收购了Atrenta,整合Spyglass推出了。VC Spyglass作为Synopsys推出的期望继承Spyglass的新一代产品,兼容原有Spyglass的Use Mode,提供更高性能和更多功能,和PT/DC工具的命令兼容,采用Verdi的debug界面,加入Machine Learning,低误...
原文标题:本周五|一步左移到位:动静结合,VC SpyGlass如何加速复杂CDC验证 文章出处:【微信公众号:新思科技】欢迎添加关注!文章转载请注明出处。
原文标题:一步左移到位:动静结合,VC SpyGlass如何加速复杂CDC验证 文章出处:【微信公众号:新思科技】欢迎添加关注!文章转载请注明出处。
Synopsys VC SpyGlass 数据手册说明书 DATASHEET Overview Among the many verification challenges confronting system-on-chip (SoC) designers today, clock domain crossings (CDC) ranks near the top in difficulty. Today’s SoCs have dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of asynchronous clock domains...
跨异步时钟域(CDC)验证是SoC设计人员面临最困难的挑战之一,当今的SoC设计不仅规模超大而且非常复杂,数百个异步时钟域的设计屡见不鲜。CDC已逐渐成为设计错误的主要原因并且给设计和调试增加了大量的时间和费用。如果投片后还存在CDC问题,就要进行昂贵的重新设计再投片了。本课程着重讨论VC SpyGlass CDC从设置简单、易...
"VC SpyGlass delivers 3X higher performance, multi-billion gate capacity, and 10X less noise. Coupled with tight integration of Lint, CDC and RDC analysis, and compatibility with the implementation flow, SoC teams are able to increase overall productivity and accelerate RTL static signoff." ...
Synopsys VC SpyGlass™ platform enables designers to analyze RTL designs early in the design flow, with minimal setup effort and without the need for testbench or stimulus. This allows bugs to be found and fixed early, reducing overall cost, time, and effort by eliminating respins.Today, ...
本专题将介绍VC Spyglass CDC的相关应用。 CDC与亚稳态 : 跨时钟域设计中,信号从 domain传播到 domain;与之间的频率,相位没有固定关系,为异步关系的时钟。 : 当在采样点附近变化时,不满足后级flip-flop的,D端无法完成正确的锁存,Q端的输出在较长一段时间内处于不确定的振荡值,出现亚稳态的现象。
VC SpyGlass Lint: Early, Automated Detection of Design Issues Download Webinar Shorten Your CDC Debug Cycle by 10X with ML-based RCA Watch Now White Paper Achieve 10X Faster CDC Debug Leveraging Machine Learning Download Datasheet VC SpyGlass Lint Download Webinar Constraints-Driven...