“程序无法启动,因为您的计算机缺少 vcruntime140.dll。尝试重新安装该程序以解决此问题。”错误信息示例:The program can't start because vcruntime140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.“无法找到 vcruntime140.dll。请重新安装应用程序以解决此问题。”...
如果需要,你可以通过右键点击vcruntime140.dll文件,选择“属性”,然后在“安全”选项卡中修改文件的权限。 确保你的用户账户具有读取和执行该文件的权限。 vcruntime140.dll文件是什么样的错误 vcruntime140.dll是一个动态链接库(DLL)文件,它是 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable...
Hi, I want to create a 32bit executable app from my script to run on both X86 and X64 Windows machines. I generated the X64 version of my script and it was fine. My host machine is X64 but I installed Python 32bit version with 32bit libr...
将复制的vcruntime140.dll文件粘贴到你的系统目录中,具体位置如前所述(C:\Windows\System32或C:\Windows\SysWOW64)。 你可能需要管理员权限来执行此操作。 注册vcruntime140.dll文件: 打开命令提示符(以管理员身份)。 输入regsvr32 vcruntime140.dll并按回车键,以注册vcruntime140.dll文件。 检查权限修复 vcrun...
Other common vcruntime140.dll errors include: “vcruntime140.dll is missing” “vcruntime140.dll error loading” “vcruntime140.dll crash” “vcruntime140.dll was not found” “vcruntime140.dll could not be located” “vcruntime140.dll Access Violation” ...
concrt140.dll vccorlib140.dll vcamp140.dll Here is some solutions to fix the "vcruntime140_1.dll is Missing" error. Please, read all instructions and follow them to successfully add a specific version of the .dll file to Windows to restore the vcruntime140_1.dll problem. ...
"无法启动程序,因为您的计算机缺少vcruntime140_1.dll。尝试重新安装该程序以解决此问题。" "The program can't start because vcruntime140_1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." 文件损坏错误: ...
I'm not sure what ROG Screen Manager is. Where did you find this application? I can't find it on my Ally. In any case, if the error is that VCRuntime is missing, you need to download either Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, or 2019. These are the versions ...
VCRUNTIME140_1.dll error. Download and Install Microsoft VC runtimeto fix this error for all Adobe Elements apps on Windows. Please install both the binaries: 1. X86 vc_redistx86.exe 2. X64 vc_redistx64.exe For further assistance, please reach out toAdobe Chat Support. ...
Error: api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing Kanikas Adobe Employee , /t5/download-install-discussions/error-api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0-dll-is-missing/td-p/11230570 Jun 22, 2020 Jun 22, 2020 Copy link to clipboard Copied When you try to in...