微软官方下载地址: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable 14.34.31931.0 (2022/10/06) //19号发布 x64 微软的东西,果然还是人家的搜索好使
VC Redist Installer (McRip VC Redist Installer) is the most comprehensive collection of the latest VC runtime libraries, made bye McRip. In order to avoid trouble of searching for a certain edition required by an software. VC Redist Installer includes all the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable...
Vc-redist-x64.exeis an.exefile. Vc-redist-x64.exeis usually located in the following folder: %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\vc-redist-x64.exe Vc-redist-x64.exe basic information Description MicrosoftVisualC2015-2019Redistributable(x86)-14.28.29805 ...
今天手贱升级了AMD显卡驱动,结果升级失败,打开好多应用都提示丢失这个dll文件。 这么多年的游戏老玩家了,一看xxxx.dll丢失肯定是C++运行库有问题。 果断去官方下载了一个集合包装上就好了。 Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable
VC_redist.x64.exe errors are related to problems during runtime of Adobe Premiere Pro CC (Executable Application). Generally, EXE errors are caused by missing or corrupt files. Learn how to download and replace your correct version of VC_redist.x64.exe a
How can I download C++ Redist 2013 12.0.21005 if it's still under support? How can I find out what visual c++ runtime library that some 3rd party dlls were built with? How can I find the Window Handle from Process ID? How can I get parent process ID per child process ID. How can...
1. downloaded the latest Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable package and ran the following from the command line: vc_redist.x64.exe /uninstall A popup will show with the option to repair the installation. The repair succeeded and I was able to continue on past the point I was blocked by this...
尝试重新安装使用该 DLL 文件的程序。在程序的安装文件夹中,可能有一个名为 "redist" 或 "VC_redist" 的文件夹,其中包含了 Visual C++ Redistributable 的安装程序。运行这个安装程序,看看是否能解决问题。 2. 手动下载并安装 Visual C++ Redistributable: ...