Look for a ClassicAxis toggle in the config file. Try that. Using 1920x1080, and i using another ClassicAxis mod to change the camera offset, toggled the ClassicAxis option in your hud config file to 1, but the crosshair still inaccurate. Please help me fix this!!! 9 months later......
VC+++暴风影音(Media+Player+Classic)源码知道的人不多,但提起国内的暴风影音,我想知道的人就多了,其实暴风影音就是Media Player Classic,暴风影音只是同我一样从Gabest官方下载到了Media Player Classic的源码,不同的是,暴风影音将Media Player Classic改成了自己的名字并加入了许多的解码器,打包成自己的产品,其实...
Towing electric cars with automatic transmissions Electric cars that are almost exclusively equipped with a one- or two-speed automatic transmission cannot be towed because energy is often generated via an axis that charges the battery. If this energy cannot flow away through other consumers, the b...
I designed a variable font. It contains one axis that affects several parameters at once. This axis, named the speedometer axis, is starting with a bold, backslanted style, in the middle there is an upright lighter style and it is finishing with a slanted and bold style. ...
One great feature to implement would be the triangle blip shape from VC when the player is higher or lower than the blip on the Z axis. ForeverL, H-G, RRT94 and Shadowy_X Members Joined: 08/09/2017 STREAMER PostedApril 24, 2022 ...
Classic boardgame similar to Axis & Allies in play, with some novel features like planets in motion and slingshot maneuvers. See more about this huge set over at my Game Gallery photoblog: Buck Rogers Boardgame (1988): Axis & Allies Gameplay in a Solar System in Motion ...
VC 局部放大图片,放大鼠标所在区域的图片,在原图片上显示经过放大的图像,有点放大镜的味道,如果在图像放大的区域加一个外框,那估计就真像是放大镱程序了。通过本源码你可了解一下VC 放大图像的原理,本例相对是比较简单的。 VC 源码-图形处理2019-07-10 上传大小:130KB ...
Fixed sound effects volume setting and replace enter.ogg audio file - Updated UI PNG images - Added DualShock 3 (wired) support based on SickSaxis lib by xerpi (thanks niuus and JabuPL!) How to use: 1. Start up FCEUX TX 2. Start a game with your Wiimote/GC Controller/etc 3. Press...
Kalman Filter MPU6050 Six Axis Attitude Acceleration Gyroscope Angle Sensor Module $7.29 - $8.19 Min. order: 5 pieces Wholesale Price G5NB-1A-E-DC24V G5NB-1A-E DIP Relay original $0.31 - $3.96 Min. order: 1 piece Dc motor governor 12V24V36V48V high-power drive module PWM controller 20A...
OPTIV CLASSIC 400*300*200 2.5+L/150 OPTIV ADVANCE 800*600*200 2.0+L/200 5. 新天光电 贵阳新天光电科技有限公司(原新天精密光学仪器公司, 1966 年由上海内迁贵阳组建 )。已通过 IS09001 质量管理体 系认证 IS010012 测量管理体系认证,有 10 类 47 个型号产 品已通过欧盟 CE 认证。 历经50 多年的...