MPG模式运行状态1 1)当前程序有三个M,如果三个M都在一个cpu运行,就是并发,如果在不同的cpu运行就...
rcc->buffer_size * 0.5 ); if( buffer_fill_cur < target_fill ) { // 如果buffer_fill_cur小于target_fill即已经达到了下限警戒线的阈值,此时会增大 qscale q *= 1.01; terminate |= 1; continue; } /* Try to get the buffer no more than 80% filled, but don't set an impossible goal. ...
If i set --max-bitrate OR --vbv-bufsize manually this error disappears. If --max-bitrate is being used, VBV buffer keeps being equal to average bitrate value, and not max bitrate, comparing to main tier. If --vbv-bufsize is being used, MAX bitrate is being defaulted to 800'000 (whi...
You will notice that for local recording then XSplit will just offer you to set a quality setting and will not have a particular vbv-maxrate or vbv-buffer defined. The idea here is that for a local recording we are often not concerned with bandwidth usage. So a recording which will targe...
<06/05/07 12:37pm> Manao | but, i would try 5 mbps / 5mbit as vbv bitrate / vbv buffer size <06/05/07 12:37pm> Manao | LordRPI: it seems it's just an oversized ipod <06/05/07 12:38pm> LordRPI | good thing I'm not buying one!
Cocoa, Theobroma cacao, is an important tropical perennial crop grown widely in the humid tropics. The exchange of cocoa germplasm between germplasm collections and breeding centres is vital for varietal development. Intermediate quarantine facilities, s
Sun Java System Web Server does not always honor a keep-alive request from a client. The following conditions cause the server to close aconnection, even if the client has requested a keep-alive connection: KeepAliveTimeoutis set to 0. ...