I started looking at VBScript to JavaScript converters a while back. The first one I came across was this one.http://2018.www.slingfive.dev2.slingfive.com/pages/code/scriptconverter/#:~:text=ScriptConverter%20performs%20a%20basic%20translation,to%20the%20equivalent%20in%20Javascript. However...
Then i thought to convert it to JAVASCRIPT and then to C# ..I found one online tool located at :http://slingfive.com/pages/code/scriptConverter/demo.htmli used it to convert vbscript into javascript ..and then converted Javascript code into C# using Javascript Parser located at :http://w...
together with the JavaScript function "_jsMinWin()" and the object --> <!-- "HHCtrlMinimizeWindowObject" to minimize the HTA window (e.g. use "MinimizeWindow.click" in VBScript) --> You can now have the HTA minimize itself using the VBScript code MinimizeWindow.click or document.get...
VBS是Visual Basic的的一个抽象子集,是系统内置的,用它编写的脚本代码不能编译成二进制文件,直接由Wi...
(3)用循环也可以: for(int i=0;*(p+i)!=’\0’;i++) { p1[i]=*(p+i); ...
http://slingfive.com/pages/code/scriptConverter/demo.html i used it to convert vbscript into javascript .. Note that the slingfive tool only executes successfully in Internet Explorer (not in FireFox or Chrome). Thanks for the tips, in any case... -...