msgbox "ip地址是:"&GetIP(".") msgbox "mac地址是:"&GetMAC(".") Function GetIP(ComputerName) Dim objWMIService,colItems,objItem,objAddress Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & ComputerName & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Network...
//取得机器名,登录域及登录用户名 function getusername(){ var WshNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");alert("登录名 = " + WshNetwork.UserDomain);alert("计算机名 = " + WshNetwork.ComputerName);alert("用户名 = " + WshNetwork.UserName);} 点我 保存成htm文件 ...
addr=GetProcAddr("GetComputerNameA") '取得函数地址 Api.CallByAddress addr,Param1,Param2 '这样就完成了API的调用,其实可以用一个函数完成 CallApiByName(DllName,sFunctionName,Param...) '取得计算机名 Computername=Param1.GetItemValue("lpName")'也可以用0 作为参数,意指第一个参数,不过用伪名更可读...
Set objName = _ xmlDoc.createElement("ComputerName") objName.Text = "atl-ws-001" objRecord.appendChild objName 正如您所料,创建 AuditDate 的代码几乎相同。我们只需在调用 createElement 时指定另一节点名称,并为 Text 属性指定另一个值即可。老兄...
strValueName = "Route" oReg.GetMultiStringValue hDefKey, strSubKeyPath, strValueName, arrValues For Each strValue in arrValues wscript.echo strValue Next wscript.quit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ...
REMOTE_NAME 请求页面的客户机的名字(如果有的话) REQUEST_METHOD 请求页面的使用方法,“GET”或“POST” SCRIPT_NAME 由客户机请求的文档的全虚拟路径和文件名,与Web站点的根目录相关 SERVER_NAME 接受请求的服务器的网络名和URL主机名 SERVER_PORT 接受请求的端口号。如,“80”是对一般页的请求,“443”是对...
With this one we didn't specify that we only wanted to view those records where the ComputerName was equal to atl-ws-100. By leaving out that criteria, we get back all the records by default.Let's take a look at one last script before we go. Suppose our old pal atl-ws-100 has ...
GetDriveName:返回一个驱动器的名字 GetExtensionName:返回扩展名 GetFile:返回一个file对象 GetFileName:返回文件夹中文件名称 GetFolder:返回一个文件夹对象 GetParentFolderName:返回一个文件夹的父文件夹 GetSpecialFolder:返回指向一个特殊文件夹的对象指针 GetTempName:返回一个可以被createtextfile使用的随机产生的文件...
In turn, we'd get output similar to what we have here:Copy "Display Name","State","Start Mode" "Adobe LM Service","Stopped","Manual" "Adobe Active File Monitor V4","Stopped","Manual" "Alerter","Stopped","Manual" "Application Layer Gateway Service","Running","Manual" "Apple Mobile...