ConvertToStringX() Dim objRs, objDF, strServer, vStringConst adcExecSync = 1 Const adcFetchUpFront = 1 ' Replace value below with your server name to use without ASP.strServer = "https://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>"> Set...
MovePrevious MoveLast & MoveFirst Methods <% ' to integrate/test this code replace the ' Data Source value in the Connection string%> <% ' connection and recordset variables Dim Cnxn, strCnxn Dim rsEmployees, strSQLEmployees ' open connection Set Cnxn = Server.CreateObject...
CStr There will be times (especially when you work with databases) when you’ll have a numeric value that needs to be treated as a string. Can you convert a numeric value into a string value? Of course you can. To begin with, assign the numeric value to a variable (in this example,...
LCase:在.NET中,可以使用String.ToLower方法来实现类似的功能。 Left:在.NET中,可以使用String.Substring方法来实现类似的功能。 Right:在.NET中,可以使用String.Substring方法来实现类似的功能。 Mid:在.NET中,可以使用String.Substring方法来实现类似的功能。
string gb2312info = string.Empty;Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;Encoding gb2312 = Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312");// Convert the string into a byte[].byte[] unicodeBytes = utf8.GetBytes(utfinfo);// Perform the conversion from one encoding to the other.byte[] asciiBytes = ...
The DateValue function converts a string to a Date.Note: If the year part of date is omitted this function will use the current year from the computer's system date.Note: If the date parameter includes time information it will not be returned. However, if date includes invalid time ...
StringReturns a string that contains a repeating character of a specified length StrReverseReverses a string UCaseConverts a specified string to uppercase Other Functions FunctionDescription CreateObjectCreates an object of a specified type EvalEvaluates an expression and returns the result ...
To convert the image to a string that can be embedded in the HTA you can use base64 encoding. Assuming you have the b64 utility from, use b64 -e image.gif image.b64 to encode the image, and embed the image like this (string marked red is the content of image.b64...
UCase(String) The UCase function converts a string to all upper case letters. There is also a companion function LCase to convert to lower case letters. Examples Code: <% =UCase("Aardvarks do not make good pets!") %> Output: AARDVARKS DO NOT MAKE GOOD PETS!
I am having a problem with a couple of things... What is the most efficent way to check if the first character in a string is equal to either an interger...