每次我尝试用vbscript在hta文件中添加javascript时,单击submit按钮时都会出现错误消息: object doesn't support this property or method 我试试这个 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 还有这个 <script type="text/javascript"> ...code </script> 有人知道这个问题吗? //编辑:我有问题, 浏览...
If Not IsObject(Boke_Conn) Then Boke_ConnectionDatabase Rs.Open Sql,Boke_Conn,1,1 Else If Not IsObject(Conn) Then ConnectionDatabase Rs.Open Sql,Conn,1,1 End If DvBoke.SqlQueryNum = DvBoke.SqlQueryNum + 1 If Not Rs.eof Then CountNum = Rs.RecordCount If CountNum Mod...
if ischeck=1 and not fo.FileExists(Server.MapPath(sName)) then procCheckFile="文件没有找到!" exit function end if else for i=0 to ubound(errorchar) if instr(sName,errorchar(i))>0 then procCheckFile="文件名中含有非法字符!" exit function end if next end if procCheckFile="ok" end f...
'== Pass Object parameter == ' List Items in the My Computer Folder Const MY_COMPUTER = &H11& Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Call ListItemInMyComputer(objShell) Sub ListItemInMyComputer(objShellObject) Set objFolder = objShellObject.Namespace(MY_COMPUTER) Set objFolderItem...
你这里是没有定义'CloseConn' 变量啊。看你的程序这个应该是个关闭数据库连接的。你加上就好 了 我给你个连接字符串的格式,你照着改一下连接串吧 SQL身份验证登录:string G_Str_ConnectionString = "Data Source=a\\a;database=db_CSManage;uid=sa;pwd=;"; //Data Source 服务器名,data...
唯一的区别在于参数赋值为:strMyVar = "This is a string variant", 而对象属性为 objObject.Property="This is a string variant"。这点非常简单而有用处。方法可以理解为植入对象中的函数与过程,可以使用strMyVar = objObject.MethodName(strMyVar)来代替strMyVar =FunctionName(strMyVar)。写法不同,但功能相同...
唯一的区别在于参数赋值为:strMyVar = "This is a string variant", 而对象属性为 objObject.Property="This is a string variant"。这点非常简单而有用处。方法可以理解为植入对象中的函数与过程,可以使用strMyVar = objObject.MethodName(strMyVar)来代替strMyVar =FunctionName(strMyVar)。写法不同,但功能相同...
Null Object Unknown Error When executed, the second statement in this example displays the output shown in Figure 6.4, proving that theInputBox()function always returns a string value. Figure 6.4: TheInputBox()function always returns a string value ...
vbDate:This is used for date data type with the value as 7. vbString:This is used for string data type with the value as 8. vbObject:This is used for object data type with the value as 9. vbArray:This is used for array data type with the value as 8192. ...
. Check is object null - What are the options? .Net 4 FileLoadException permissions problem With windows service .NET code to extract data from an excel sheet and create a text file having a specific format .Net Core 3.0 Console App. Microsoft.Data.SQLClient is not supported .NET Core su...