How to Exit a Loop When a Specific Condition is Met We’ve seen how to use the aforementioned loops in the UFT. When we use a loop to iterate a few statements in an automation script, we may need to exit or break the loop when a specific condition is met.This reduces execution time...
Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x80040E57)-->sql语句出错(要插入或更新的数据溢出) Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x80040E10)-->sql语句出错(update字段名或要更新的数据类型错误) Microsoft OLEDBProviderforODBCDrivers(0x80004005)-->sql语句出错(要插入或更新的字段的数值不能为空值) Microsoft O...
1037 800A040D 无效使用关键字 'Me' 1038 800A040E 'loop' 没有 'do' 1039 800A040F 无效 'exit' 语句 1040 800A0410 无效 'for' 循环控制变量 1041 800A0411 名称重定义 1042 800A0412 必须为行的第一个语句 1043 800A0413 不能赋给非Byval参数 1044 800A0414 调用 Sub 时不能使用圆括号 1045 ...
Microsoft VBScript语法错误(0x800A040E)-loop 语句缺少 do 34. Microsoft VBScript语法错误(0x800A040F)-无效的 exit 语句 35. Microsoft VBScript语法错误(0x800A0410)-循环控制变量 for 无效 36. Microsoft VBScript语法错误(0x800A0411)-名称重定义 37. Microsoft VBScript语法错误(0x800A0412)-必 7、须是...
Definition: Exits a block ofDo...Loop,For...Next,Function, orSubcode. Exit In Windows PowerShell you can “prematurely” break out of a loop by using thebreakcommand; this is equivalent to using the Exit Do or Exit For statement in VBScript. For example, the following Windows PowerShell...
#3)If a statement is lengthy and required to break into multiple statements then you can use theunderscore“_”. Let’s see its Example: variable1 = 11 variable2 = 10 output = (variable1 - variable2) * 10 document.write (“output generated...
在python语言中,我希望在不中断循环的情况下跳过range循环(或xrange)中的行,如下所示: for i in range(10): skip the next lines of the loop, but donot break the loop until finished ... som 浏览13提问于2019-01-20得票数 2 回答已采纳 ...
该 Node 接口是整个文档对象模型的主要数据类型。它表示该文档树中的单个节点。当实现 Node 接口的所有...
WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE enumeration (Windows) SLGetSAMLicense function (Windows) CCscSearchApiInterface::OfflineFilesOpenIndexingHandle method (Windows) CFolderItemsFDF class (Windows) IAppxEncryptedBlockMapFile interface (Preliminary) IPixEngine5::RenderTextureAsync method (Windows) InkD2DRenderer class (Windows...