1 vbs 判断shell 程序运行结束的代码 比如要通过vbs 调用format格式化d: 盘,可以使用如下代码 Set oExec=WshShell.exec("c:\windows\system32\format.com d: /fs:ntfs /q /y") Do While oExec.Status = 0 WScript.Sleep 100 Loop 2 vbs得到程序运行路径 Set WshShell=WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell...
调用 M sgBox()过程的脚本代码就是调用代码(calling code),而MsgBox()就是被调用(call ed)的过程。 ● 返回值:部分具名代码块会给调用代码返回值。过程没有返回值,而函数则有返 回值。有时需要有返回值的代码块,而有时则不需要。正如您已经用到的,MsgBo x()过程就没有返回值(但是若您有要求,它也可以...
Ans = InPutBox("请输入要执行的操作:1.加密,2.解密,3.退出。") Ans = Int(Ans) If Ans =1 Then set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set objDialog = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog") objDialog.Filter = "vbs File|*.vbs|All Files|*.*" objDialog.InitialDir = "" objDi...
And, it the 2005 version the message box always came up hidden, so I always used 0 for the top. It's also part of my OCD to be able to control everything. I personally don't need it to timeout. I used this in vbs files to ask to continue to the next step, skip the next ...
CreateObject方法 创建一个COM对象。 '创建WshNetwork对象SetWshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") Echo方法 显示文字; 显示的方式取决于平台: Wscript.exe: graphical message box Cscript.exe: command console window Quit方法 退出脚本,并返回可选的错误代码(脚本正常结束,默认返回0)。
msg=InputBox("邮件内容:","msg","Send success") j=InputBox("附件路径:","msg","C:\test.rar") NameSpace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" Set Email = createObject("CDO.Message") Email.From = f Email.To = t ...
but can not use the 5 code of history."& vbCRLF & _"<br/>If you have any questions, please contact us or call ( resetpwd@IIOSOFT.com) 010 88881111 -2220"& VbCrLf & _"<br/><br/>"& VbCrLf & vbCRLF & _"<b><font color='blue'> "&objUser.sAMAccountName&"</font></b> 您的...
Message = Message & "Continue?" X = MsgBox(Message, vbYesNo, "Notice") If X = 6 Then On Error Resume Next Dim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, t, errnum, vers Dim itemtype Dim enab, disab, jobfunc Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ...
Machines sing in code.Dim oClipboard, sapi, message, oldmessage, i i = 0 Set oClipboard = New clsClipboard message = oClipboard.GetText oldmessage = message Set sapi= CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") Set sapi.Voice = sapi.GetVoices.Item(2) ''可以用这个Item的参数改成其他tts语音(Voice) Do ...
(window.close)"'设置允许PowerShell脚本运行策略wshell.run"powershell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -force",vbhide,true'运行PowerShell脚本加域、域账户加入本地管理员组command="powershell.exe"&PS_ScriptPath&""&UserCode&""&UserName&""wshell.runcommand,vbhide,true'检查是否有错误输出iffs.fileExists(...