SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I need to join 3 tables VBRK,VBAK,VBRP Tables.Actually to improve the performance first i retrieved matnr and belnr(billing records) from VRPMA Table into I_VRPMA where s_vkorg,s_fkdat,s_fkart.(selection screen) Now i need to fetch billing re...
1、数据库表变化 简化了数据模型: 取消了状态表VBUK, VBUP,状态表相关字段移到了销售对象表中,包...
54,843 SAP Managed Tags: SD Sales Hello All, What is the link between table VBAK and VBRK? I have requirement where I need to find out the sales document number from the billing document number. I can see the relation in the relationship browser but I couldn't find the columns whic...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, I want to change the partner using the userexit USEREXIT_FILL_VBRK_VBRP. Please advice me on which fields i have to change in the exit? Being new to sap, I expect a little descriptive answer. Thanks Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION maulik Contrib...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis Dear All, Happpy Diwali. I want BSEG-BELNR based on Invoice no(VBRK-VBELN). Please tale me another way to get same data as per below code. DATA : V_BELNR TYPE BKPF-BELNR. LOOP AT IT_DATA . SELECT SINGLE BELNR INTO V_BELNR FROM ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP NetWeaver Application Server 在vbpa 与vbrk之间的关系是否如下: vbpavbeln = vbrkvbeln AND vbpa~parvw = 'PE' 感觉这样会导致vbrk中的一条纪录对应多条vbpa的记录,这样的关系是否妥当? 哪位能帮忙解答一下,谢谢. Edited by: Justin on Feb 18, 2009 4:01 AMKnow...
3,使用 L_INV_COUNT_EXT 实现LI11N输入库存盘点。 上传盘点数据,程序实现LI01N, LI11N, LI20, LI21盘点过账功能。 其中LI01N, LI20, LI21可以用BDC实现,LI11N通过函数实现。 数据来自表LQUA,需要注意如果数量为0,则要设置零库存标识。 DATA: lt_linvTYPESTANDARDTABLEOFe1linvx.DATA: ls_linvTYPEe1lin...
1,使用 RV_INVOICE_HEAD_MAINTAIN 更新VBRK-ZUNOR和VBRK-XBLNR等字段。 2,用 CSAI_BOM_MAINTAIN 实现IB01设备BOM创建、IB02设备BOM修改 3,使用 L_INV_COUNT_EXT 实现LI11N输入库存盘点。 正文 最近用到一些函数,网上的相关资料不多,这里记录一下。
在VBRK-RFBSK中获取账单文档的状态,但该字段仅包含一个字母,该状态的描述可以通过DD_DOMVALUE_TEXT_GET函数模块获得,或者直接读取DD07T表格。 table ofdd07vwithheader function'DD_DOMVALUES_GET'exportingdomname='RFBSK'text='X'langu=sy-langutablesdd07v_tab=id...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi Experts, I have a requirement to create a report by joining tables VBAK & VBRK from SQVI by table join. I am able to create one but when I am executing it, it does not give me any data/ value. Here I want to input a series of...