As an experienced developer, I understand that new developers may encounter challenges when trying to mount a VirtualBox shared folder in Kubernetes using the command "mount -t vboxsf". In this article, I will guide you through the process step by step and provide code examples to help you u...
The error output from the command was:mount:unknown filesystem type'vboxsf' 解决方法: 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 安装 vbguest 插件 vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest # 重启虚拟机 vagrant reload 问题2:The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this m...
mount -tvboxsf Title: A Guide to Mounting a VirtualBox Shared Folder in Kubernetes As an experienced developer, I understand that new developers may encounter challenges when trying to mount a VirtualBox shared fol Pod YAML ci 原创 此用户名不存在 ...
However, I did get one problem when I tried out the last feature for the first time. The procedure is to issue a command like the following in a terminal session after creating the requisite directory in the file system and adding a host directory as a shared folder: sudo mount -t vb...
mount -t vboxsf mooc /home/www执行的时候报错 sbin/mount.vboxsf: shared folder ‘mooc’ was not found (check VM settings / spelling) 问一下:这个mooc是在mac主机上建立的文件夹吗? 金刚火车头 2020-01-21 01:39:38 源自:3-6 Linux共享目录图文操作指导 ...
Vagrant was unable to mount VirtualBox shared folders. This is usuallybecause the filesystem "vboxsf" is not available. 值得注意的是, 启动的时候有这么一句: [homestead-7] GuestAdditions 5.1.16 running --- OK. 既然guest 和我的都是 5.1.16 了, 而且启动成功了, 为什么还会出错. virtualbox 5.1...
To access a shared folder, a guest OS must have: Thevboxsfandvboxguestdrivers from guest additions. Utility (mount.vboxsf) to mount shared folders. Sources are available on the Thesrcdirectory of this project contains a port of the mount.vboxsf utility for Android....
错误提示: Vagrant was unable to mount VirtualBox shared folders. This is usually because the filesystem “vboxsf” is not available. This filesystem is made available via the VirtualBox Guest Additions and kernel module. Please verify that these guest additions are properly installed in the guest...
==>default: Mounting shared folders...default: /vagrant => C:/Users/brand_000/Homestead Failed to mount folders in Linux guest. This is usually because the"vboxsf"file system is not available. Please verify that the guest additions are properly installed in the guestandcan work properly. The...
sudo chmod 777 /home/mada/ubuntu \ press enter twice, then sudo apt-getinstallvirtualbox-ose-guest-utils Afterinstallationcomplete, type the mount again, and it worked for me. Note: my shared folder name in host is 'share', same with the guest shared folder name...