In thePropertieswindow, change theTextboxname to something descriptive, likeNumformat. Double-clicking theTextboxin theUserFormopens the Visual Basic Editor with some default code. The code that will operate on every modification in theText Boxwhich is now titledNumformat, is visible in the upper...
sheets("sheet1").[a1]=userform1.textbox1.text 在当前工作表的A1单元格赋值 activesheet.range("A1")=userform1.textbox1.text activesheet.cells(1,1)=userform1.textbox1.text activesheet.[a1]=userform1.textbox1.text
Ok, here's what i do (In fact, doing at this same moment). I have one label and one textbox, to make it simple, and one command button (All with default names). I work with range A1 on Sheet1 to get the data of TextBox1. I have this data on the UserForm module, i hope ...
循环中,赋值给text属性之后加入一句 Me.Repaint 这一句也要在循环中
选择TEXTBOX 右键 属性 MultiLine 设置为TRUE (自动换行)ScrollBoars 设置为2 (垂直滚动条)
' [Change Format] button Private Sub btn_ChangeFormat_Click() If (Len(TextBox1.Text) < 8) _ Or (InStr(TextBox1.Text, "/") < 2) Then MsgBox "invalid date value" Exit Sub End If ' If (rbt_YMD_S.Value = True) Then TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1.Text, "yyyy/M/d") End...
可以换个思路,遍历窗体中的所有控件,如果控件类型是textbox,则将其text属性设置为空代码如下:For Each C In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(C) = "TextBox" Then C.Text=""Next关于此例中用到的TypeName函数的相关知识:适用于获得一个变量的类型名称的,比如 A 是一个字符串变量,那么TypeName(A)=String 01...
1.ユーザーフォームを追加(UserForm1とする) 2.クラスモジュール(CustomCrl)に PrivatepvFormAsMSForms.UserFormPrivateWithEventsmyTextBoxAsMSForms.TextBox'※1PublicPropertySetSetForm(ByRefaFormAsMSForms.UserForm)SetpvForm=aFormCallControlAddEndPropertyPrivateSubControlAdd()'ProgIDを指定してTextBoxのインス...