sheets("sheet1").[a1]=userform1.textbox1.text 在当前工作表的A1单元格赋值 activesheet.range("A1")=userform1.textbox1.text activesheet.cells(1,1)=userform1.textbox1.text activesheet.[a1]=userform1.textbox1.text
窗体中直接赋值:Range("A2").Value = txt1.Value A2为单元格,txt1为窗体控件 补充: 多个单元格,不同位置也同样的赋值 同工作表:Range("A2").Value = txt1... VB6.0中将listbox中的内容导出至excel中,代码有错,求解 For i = 0 To List1.ListCount这句错了,多算了一行,ListCount是列表中的项的总数...
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Cells(row, col).Value <> ctl_value And ctl.Name <> "所在部门" Then '弹窗提示是否确认修改 msg = "确定将" & """ & ctl.Name & """ & "由" & """ & ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Cells(row, col).Value & """ & "修改为" & """ & ctl.Value & """ & ...
选择TEXTBOX 右键 属性 MultiLine 设置为TRUE (自动换行)ScrollBoars 设置为2 (垂直滚动条)
循环中,赋值给text属性之后加入一句 Me.Repaint 这一句也要在循环中
将单元格值复制到TextBox是一种常见的操作,可以通过VBA代码来实现。下面是一个完善且全面的答案: 在VBA中,可以使用Range对象的Value属性来获取单元格的值,并将其赋值给TextBox的Text属性。以下是一个示例代码: 代码语言:vba 复制 Private Sub CopyCellValueToTextBox() Dim cellValue As Variant ' 获取单元格A1...
I have a textbox in a userform.. When I pick the date "12-10-2015" in the userform, the date is loaded into a textbox. This textbox say 12-10-2015. Exactly how I need it. However, when I populate it back to my data sheets, it changes the value to 10-12-2015. ...
One of these textboxes is used to insert a date, that said, to prevent a wrong entry, I used the following code: If IsDate(boxDate.Value) = False Then MsgBox "Enter valid date" Exit Sub End If As the code goes on, the text box populates the cell on this line of code: ....
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For Each myctl In Me.Controls If TypeName(myctl) = "TextBox" Then m = m + 1 ReDim Preserve Txt(1 To m) Set Txt(m).Txtbox = myctl End If Next End Sub 代码讲解: ① Dim Txt() As New mytext这句代码定义了一个动态数组变量为类。 ② 在窗体的构...