使用 QueryClose 事件 CloseMode CloseMode 参数来确定如何 UserForm 关闭。 vbFormControlMenu 值为 CloseMode CloseMode 参数表示时, 单击 关闭 按钮。要保持活动, UserForm 将 Cancel 取消 对 QueryClose 事件参数为 True 。 要使用 QueryClose 事件来防止 UserForm 关闭通过 关闭 按钮, 请按照下列步骤: 当您单击 ...
UserFormName.Controlname.Property=值 例如, 如果要设置名为 TextBox , 名为到值是 Bob , UserForm1 UserForm 上 TextBox 控件的 Text 属性使用以下代码: UserForm1.TextBox1.Text = "Bob" 如果代码是通过事件的控件或者通过 UserForm, 启动过程中是您不需要引用名为 UserForm。 而, 使用以下代码: TextBox1....
QueryClose 事件 UserForm 是从内存中卸载之前发生。 使用 QueryClose 事件 CloseMode CloseMode 参数来确定如何 UserForm 关闭。 vbFormControlMenu 值为 CloseMode CloseMode 参数表示时, 单击 关闭 按钮。要保持活动, UserForm 将 Cancel 取消 对 QueryClose 事件参数为 True 。 要使用 QueryClose 事件来防止 UserForm...
VBA UserForm controlWindows Form control Label Label Calendar MonthCalendar ComboBox ComboBox CommandButton ButtonWe quickly recoded the logic behind the UI by using logic that is almost identical to that of the original VBA solution. During the migration, we changed the UI code in a few places ...
Controls are the elements (buttons, labels, text boxes, checkboxes, etc.) that can be inserted on a UserForm (or on an Excel sheet). Controls also have a range of properties and events that vary from one control to another. To begin, add a UserForm and insert the following 3 controls:...
Set iFrame = Me.OptionBtn.Parent ' 在类模块中,以当前控件为中心进行展开,Me就是activeframe 'activeControl就是当前正在被激活的控件-frame frame.parent就是窗体 For Each iControl In iFrame.Controls If LCase(TypeName(iControl)) = "optionbutton" Then ...
DblClickDouble left click on the VBA UserForm (not on a control) DeactivateUserForm loses focus InitializeRuns when the UserForm is created (to initialize the form e.g. add items to lists etc.) KeyDownAny keyboard button is pressed while the VBA UserForm is Active ...
vbModeless 0 UserForm 是无模式的。 vbModal 1 UserForm 是模式的(默认)。 11. IMEStatus(输入法状态): 日语 区域设置 的常量如下所示。 常量值Description vbIMEModeNoControl 0 不控制输入法(默认) vbIMEModeOn 1 输入法开启 vbIMEModeOff 2 输入法关闭 vbIMEModeDisable 3 输入法已禁用 vbIMEModeHiragana 4 ...
This line sets the Cancel argument to True, which cancels the focus change and prevents the user from moving to another control on the UserForm. Read More: Excel VBA: Create InputBox with Multiple Inputs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. How do I Use InputBox in Excel VBA? Open the ...
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'Empty Emp ID Text box and Set the Cursor txtempid.Value = "" txtempid.SetFocus 'Empty all other text box fields txtfirstname.Value = "" txtlastname.Value = "" txtemailid.Value = "" 'Clear All Date of Birth Related Fields cmbdate.Clear cmbmonth....