User-defined type not defined User-defined type without members not allowed Valid values are whole numbers from 1 to 32 Valid values are whole numbers from 2 to 60 Variable not defined Variable not yet created in this context Variable required. Can't assign to this expression Variable uses a...
您可在 Visual Basic 中创建自己的数据类型,但它们必须先在Type...End Type语句或之前注册的对象库或类型库中定义。 此错误的原因及解决方案如下: 您已尝试声明未定义数据类型的变量或参数或您指定了未知类或对象。 在模块中使用Type语句定义新的数据类型。 如果您尝试创建对类的引用,则类必须对项目可见。 如果您...
请在 工具->引用 对话框中检查类似下图的设置
After importing the JsonConverter into the VBA editor for Access 2013 and then doing a simple cut and past of the example code in the click event of a button, I get the following error: Compile error: user-defined type not defined in the function: Private Function json_ParseObject(json_Str...
How to fix User-defined type not defined error in VBA ? User-defined type error message usually occurs when the VBA compiler cannot recognize a custom data type or class that you’ve used in your code. This can be caused by various reasons, including missing references, incorrect syntax,...
您在類型中指定了空的使用者定義 類型...結束類型 定義。 檢查 Type 語 句是否有非預期的 批註 分隔符號。如需詳細資訊,請選取有疑問的項目並按 F1 (在 Windows 中) 或 HELP (在 Macintosh 上)。另請參閱Visual Basic 使用方法主題 支援和意見反應有關於 Office VBA 或這份文件的問題或意見反應嗎? 如...
Since VB 6.0 user defined type can be used in public function declarations Important When defining a user defined type all variables within the type should be in capitals A UDT is not a variable and does not take up any space.
LongPtr - User Defined Type Not Defined If you get this error, it means that you are running the macro from an old version of Office (<=2007). The LongPtr type was introduced in VBA7 (Office 2010) along with the support of the 64-bits Windows API. It's very useful for handling...
Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type In order to pass a user-defined type to a DLL function, you must create a variable of that type. For example, if you were planning to pass a user-defined type of type RECT to a DLL function, you could inc...
使用Type 语句定义的任何数据类型。用户定义的数据类型可包含一个数据类型、数组或之前定义的用户定义类型的一个或多个元素。 例如:VB 复制 Type MyType MyName As String ' String variable stores a name. MyBirthDate As Date ' Date variable stores a birthdate. MySex As Integer ' Integer variable...