运行时错误'13'(Type Mismatch)在VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)中表示尝试将一种数据类型赋值给另一种不兼容的数据类型。这种错误通常发生在变量声明、函数调用或表达式中。 相关优势 类型安全:通过明确的数据类型声明,可以减少运行时错误。 代码可读性:明确的类型有助于其他开发者理解代码意图。 性能优化:编译...
Type mismatch error, or we can also call it Error code 13, occurs when we assign a value to a variable that is not of its data type. For example, if we provide a decimal or long value to an Integer data type variable, we will encounter this Type mismatch error when we run the cod...
When a cell contains an error value (#N/A,#VALUE!,#REF!or any other error), then the type ofthatCell.ValueisError- and VBA does NOT know how to convertErrorvalues toStringvalues (or anything else for that matter), so it raises run-time error 13type mismatchand forces you to fix you...
在VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)中,"Type Mismatch"错误通常发生在尝试将一个数据类型的值赋给另一个不兼容的数据类型变量时。以下是一些解决"Type Mismatch"错误的步骤和示例: 1. 确定出现"Type Mismatch"错误的具体VBA代码行 首先,需要定位到引发错误的代码行。这通常可以通过VBA编辑器的调试功能来实现,或者...
我试图在Immediate窗口中按如下方式拆分它,但是我得到了错误:"Run Type Error 13, Type Mismatch" debug.Print(Split(Categories, ">")) 我试图从Categories变量中提取Tools & Home Improvement。还有什么其他的功能可以用在上面吗。 在Locals窗口下,Categories的类型是Variant/String ...
在VBA代码中,我们经常会看到类似于On Error Resume Next这样的语句,这是编译器在代码遇到错误时自动...
Sheet14.Cells(ROWAAA, "CL") = Format(Now(), "yyyy年mm月dd日-hh:mm:ss") '记录退出时间 这句代码中,建议你把 Now() 后面的括号去掉再试试看。
VERSION:=xlPivotTableVersion12 改成:VERSION:=xlPivotTableVersion14 试试
Environment:OS CathalinaMS365Hi, I have a worksheet containing VBA/macros. when opening the worksheet I receive a VBA Run-time error 13: Type mismatch. Can...
Am getting Run-time error 13. Type Mismatch. But i cant figure out why. Any help? Sub Separate_with_OR_without_comission() Dim I As Integer Dim WRng As Range Dim NoRng As Range Dim NameRgn As Range Dim TotalCRng As Range Set WRng = Range("with_comission") Set NoRng = Range("wi...