Excel VBA TRIM Function VBA TRIM comes under the String and Text functions. This function is a Worksheet function in VBA. Similar to the worksheet reference, this function one may use to trim or remove unwanted spaces from a string. It takes a single argument, an input string, and returns...
The VBA Trim function returns a string after removing leading and trailing spaces from the string.Usage:Trim(text)Example of UsageUsing the Trim function to remove unnecessary spaces at the beginning and end of a string:Sub example() MsgBox Trim("test") 'Returns: "test" MsgBox Trim(" test...
Excel中的字符单元格比对 If Ucase(Trim(name)) = Ucase(Trim(name2)) Then 对比之前一般要删去空格再调整大小写,这样防止输入不一致。 打开多个Workbook,新建,保存 Set wb = Workbooks.Open(<文件地址>) Set w = wb.Worksheets(1) wb.close 这个代码打开了一个文件,然后指向了某个worksheet,然后关闭文件。
[Public|private] [Static] Function 函数名([参数列表 [As 数据类型]]) [As 数据类型] [语句块] [函数名=过程结果] End Function 使用函数完成上面的例子: 1.6.3 VBA的参数传递参数传递的方式有两种,引用和传值。传值,只是将数据的内容给到函数,不会对数据本身进行修改。引用,将数据本身传给函数,在函数...
这些函数的用法与Trim函数类似,只需要在字符串前面加上相应的函数名即可。 除了使用内置函数,我们还可以自定义函数来实现去除空格的功能。自定义函数可以根据我们的需求来定义,可以更加灵活地处理字符串。下面是一个示例代码: ```vba Function RemoveSpaces(ByVal str As String) As String Dim result As String ...
For lngIndexRows=LBound(varLookupVector,1)ToUBound(varLookupVector,1)IfTrim(varLookupVector(lngIndexRows,1))=Trim(lookup_value)Then For intIndexColumns=LBound(varResultVector,2)ToUBound(varResultVector,2)IfvarLookupVector(lngIndexRows,intIndexColumns)=Trim(intersect_value)Then ...
For Col_Count=1To intColarrTemp2(Row_Count-1,Col_Count-1)=Trim(arrTemp(iCount))iCount=iCount+1If iCount>UBound(arrTemp)Then Exit For Next Next Str_2d=arrTemp2 End Function 下面的过程调用上述函数进行测试: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 ...
The Trim function allows you to remove unnecessary spaces at the beginning and end of a string.Use:Trim(string)ExampleRemoval of unnecessary spaces at the beginning and end of the text in cell A3:Sub example() myVariable = Trim(Range("A3")) MsgBox myVariable 'Returns "Excel-Pratique.com"...
Function RTrim(ByVal str As String) As String 要删除字符串两侧的空格,可以调用Trim函数。其语法是: Function Trim(ByVal str As String) As String 创建空格字符串 如果要创建由一个或多个空格组成的字符串,可以调用Space函数。其语法是: Function Space(ByVal Number ...
myCell = Trim(myCell) End If Next myCell End Sub 此列表中最有用的宏之一。它将检查您的选择,然后从中删除所有多余的空格。 74. 从字符串中删除字符 Public Function removeFirstC(rng As String, cnt As Long) removeFirstC = Right(rng, Len(rng) - cnt) ...