.To = "username@gmail.com" .CC = "" .BCC = "" .Subject = "Send Email From an Excel Spreadsheet" .TextBody = "This is the body of your email. And her...
.To = cell.Value ' 邮件收件人为当前行的邮箱地址 .Subject = "关于XXX课程的通知" ' 邮件主题 .Body = "尊敬的" & cell.Offset(0, -1).Value & "同学,您好!本邮件是关于XXX课程的通知内容。" ' 邮件正文内容,可以根据需要进行修改 ' 可以添加附件等其他操作 ' 发送邮件 .Send End With ' 释放...
sendusername") = strSMTPUser objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = strSMTPPassword objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Update '设置电子邮件内容 objEmail.To = strTo objEmail.From = strSMTPFrom objEmail.Subject = strSubject objEmail.TextBody...
Private Sub 发送() Dim CDOMail As Object Dim rowCount, endRowNo, cloCount endRowNo = Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Const Email_From = "此处填写163邮箱名" '修改为发送邮箱 Const Password = "此处填写收到的密码" '修改为第三方邮件客户端的专用密码 For rowCount = 2 To endRowNo Set...
38. email.send(); 39. out.print("发送成功"); 40. }catch(Exception ex){ 41. out.print(ex.getMessage()); 42. } 43.} 44.%> 45.<%! 46. private String toUTF8(String src) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ 47. String dst = new String(src.getBytes("ISO8859-1"),"UTF-8"); ...
ToAddress:="nesang@189.cn", MailBody:="", _SMTP_Server:="smtp.189.cn", BodyFileName:="E:\NZ\文章\06 VBA信息获取与处理\005关于安全生产的通知.TXT", Attachments:=myBRR)这段代码是利用SendEMailB ()函数来完成邮件的发送。传递的参数有:Subject:="My Email"FromAddress:=VBA9668@189.cn To...
VBA Code to Send Emails From Excel In VBA, to send emails from Excel, we can automatically automate our mailing feature to send emails to multiple users at a time. However, to do so, we need to remember that we may do it by outlook, another product of outlook, so we need to enable...
As I said, the first iteration of your For Each test has ac set to the proper email address. It's the failure to drop out and the second iteration that makes it exit the sub.Now, I don't profess to be an email expert, by any means, but when trying to set up this new address...
To = to_who '收件者 '.Attachments.Add attachement '附件,如果你不需要发送附件,可以把这一句删掉即可,Excel中的第四列留空,不能删哦 '启动Outlook发送窗口 'SetTimer 0, 0, 0, AddressOf WinProcA .Send 'Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03")) ...