Method 1 – Using the DIR Function to Rename a Folder 1.1 Files Rename by Adding Alphabet at First If you wish to sort your files by adding the alphabet in chronological order, this code sure does the trick. The code adds an alphabet character to the beginning of each file name in a s...
A new FileSystemObejct was created and assigned toOb_FSO. The.GetFoldermethod ofOb_FSOassigns theSelected_FoldertoOb_Folder. For Each Ob_File In Ob_Folder.Files Cells(i + 4, 2) = Ob_File.Name i = i + 1 Next Ob_File TheOb_Folder.Filesproperty is used to loop through each file in ...
Sub RenameFilesInFolder() Dim folderPath As String Dim fileExtension As String Dim fileName As String Dim newFileName As String Dim i As Long '设置文件夹路径和文件扩展名 folderPath = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\" fileExtension = "*.txt" '获取文件夹中的所有文件 fileName = Dir(folderPath ...
Sub RenameFilesInFolder() Dim objFSO As Object Dim objFolder As Object Dim objFile As Object Dim strFolderPath As String Dim strNewName As String ' 设置文件夹路径 strFolderPath = "C:\Path\To\Folder\" ' 创建FileSystemObject对象 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' 获取...
Sub RenameFiles() '重命名文件 Dim kk As Integer, row_Namefinal As Integer, tar_sheet As Worksheet Dim arr_Name() As String, old_name As String, new_name As String Set tar_sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("2 修改文件名") row_Namefinal = tar_sheet.Range("A65535").End(xlUp).Row Re...
For Each file In folder.Files MsgBox file.Name Next file Else MsgBox "文件夹不存在!" End If Set fso = Nothing End Sub ``` 在上述示例代码中,我们同样创建了一个FileSystemObject对象,并将其分配给变量fso。然后定义了一个文件夹路径,表示需要遍历的文件夹路径。然后使用FolderExists方法判断文件夹是否存在...
我有一段代码,可以从A列中查找文件名,并将文件重命名为B列中的名称,然后将其复制到新文件夹中。 以下是代码: Sub Rename_Files() Dim SourcePath, DestPath, Fname, NewFName SourcePath = "C:\Invoices\" DestPath = "C:\Invoices\Renamed\" For i = 1 To 100 Fname = Range("A" & i).Value...
'Create a variable to store the folder holding the files Dim FilesDir As Folder 'Change the string here to look in a different folder (highly recommended :P)Set FilesDir = FSO.GetFolder("C:\yotam\temp\renamefiles\test\")'Define a counter variable and set it zero Dim i As ...
下面是一个示例,演示如何将名为"Old Folder"的文件夹重命名为"New Folder": ```vba Sub RenameFolderExample() Dim fso As Object Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim folderPath As String folderPath = "C:\Path\To\Old Folder" If fso.FolderExists(folderPath) Then fso.MoveFolder...
SubBatchRenameFiles()DimwsAsWorksheetDimOldFileNameAsStringDimNewFileNameAsStringDimiAsLongDimSourceFolderAsStringDimFileCountAsLong' 设置源文件夹路径SourceFolder="D:\downloads\Youtube download\"' 请修改为你的文件夹路径' 设置工作表Setws=ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")' 修改为包含文件名的工作表名称'...