The range we want to deselect is B4:B12 in this example. Press F5 to run the VBA code to deselect the specified range. Method 6 – Deselecting Specific Cells from a Selection Steps: Enter the following code in the VBA code Module: Sub DeselectSpecificCell() Dim rng As Range Dim selec...
Excel vba Cells to PDF file, Shows Line Breaks as Question Marks Excel VBA check if cell contains date Excel VBA code for running a vlookup against a dynamic range Excel VBA code for sending email over SMTP server using CDO - no longer appearing in my Sent Email folder Excel ...
Allows you to unselect or deselect a cell within a group of selected cells. Discussion: Once a number of cells have been selected using the Shift and Control keys, Excel does not allow you remove a cell from that selection. This macro makes it possible to deselect any one of the sele...
To select more than one row, click row 2 and hold the mouse down. While the mouse is still down, move it down until row 8 is selected Release the mouse Click any box on the right side of row 5 To select a row, for example row 5, press Shift + Space To deselect, press the rig...
Type a valuein the appropriate cell(B2)and the other cell(C2)will automatically change to red. Enter a valuein the second cell(C2)and pressEnter. Since the names are different, the cell remains red. Ifboth cellshave the same value, the color will not change. ...
(35) Cells.Clear '清除工作表中所有单元格的内容 (36) ActiveCell.Offset(1,0).Select '活动单元格下移一行,同理,可下移一列 (37) Range(“A1”).Offset(ColumnOffset:=1)或Range(“A1”).Offset(,1) ‘偏移一列 Range(“A1”).Offset(Rowoffset:=-1)或Range(“A1”).Offset(-1) ‘向上偏移...
或ActiveChart.Deselect 『使圖表處於非活動狀態 (133) TypeName(Selection)=」Chart」 『若選中的為圖表,則該語句為真,否則為假 (134) ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Delete 『刪除工作表上所有的ChartObject對象 ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Delete 『刪除當前工作簿中所有的圖表工作表 ...
For i = 2 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'create Info Record If Cells(i, 1) = "" Then Exit For ' check mandatory fields If Cells(i, 1) = "" Or Cells(i, 2) = "" Or Cells(i, 4) = "" Or Cells(i, 5) = "" Then 'Or Cells(i, 8) = "" Or Cells(i, 12) = "...
Guide to VBA List Box. Here we explain how to create, a list box in excel with the help of VBA code and downloadable excel template.