本文說明如何使用 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 腳本聯機到 Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 和 Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0 所使用的 Microsoft SQL 資料庫。其他相關資訊下列VBA 腳本範例可用於 Description_AfterGotFocus Microsoft Dynamics GP 帳戶維護視窗中的事件。 此...
本文說明如何使用 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 腳本聯機到 Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 和 Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0 所使用的 Microsoft SQL 資料庫。 其他相關資訊 下列VBA 腳本範例可用於Description_AfterGotFocusMicrosoft Dynamics GP 帳戶維護視窗中的事件...
adodb.connection VBA Reference helps as to refer ADO in Excel VBA. We can use ADO in Excel VBA to connect the data base and perform data manipulating operations. We need add ‘Microsoft Activex Data Objects Library’ from References to reference the ADO in VBA. Here is the adodb.connection ...
"Server=你的服务器地址;" & _ "Database=你的数据库名;" & _ "User=你的用户名;" & _ "Password=你的密码;" & _ "Option=3;" ' 打开连接 conn.Open StrConn ' 定义SQL查询语句 SQL = "SELECT * FROM 你的表名" ' 执行查询 rs.Open SQL, conn ' 将结果写入Excel Dim i As Integer Dim ...
Transaction line information isn't imported when using a SQL table as Integration source Unavailable Integration Manager option and Table Import option Upgrade an application that uses the Crypto.dll file Use a VBA script to connect to a SQL database Use Default field option is unavailable for GL...
SQLRst = Select * From TstTab DBRst.Open SQLRst, ConnDB, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic DBRst.MoveFirst Exit Function ErrMsg:OraOpen = False MsgBox Connect to the oracle database fail ,please check!, vbCritical, Connect fail!End Function 可以根据需要调整SQL语句,获取相关数据...
Sub ConnectToMySQL() Dim conn As Object Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ' 连接MySQL数据库 conn.Open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 8.0 ANSI Driver};" _ & "SERVER=数据库服务器地址;" _ & "DATABASE=数据库名称;" _ & "USER=用户名;" _ & "PASSWORD=密码;" ' 执行SQL语句或其他操作.....
.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=" & server_name & _ ";database=" & database_name & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;" Solution to connect local database In case of MS SQL useSQLOLEDB.1as provider, but if You got your database locally, as I have, go withSQLNCLI11. This ...
以及如何使用SQL语言管理数据库及查询数据,并将结果展示在Excel工作表中。 操作演示
rst.Open sql或command语句等,已打开的conn链接 例:声明变量conn为Connection对象,并打开数据库链接。 Dim conn As New Connection Conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;extended properties=excel 8.0;data source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "/Database/exceldata.xls" ...