Also read:VBA Create New Sheet (Sheets.Add) Clear Sheet By Name Below is the code to clear a sheet by using its name: Sub ClearUsedRange() Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells.Clear End Sub In the above code, I have specified Sheet1 as the name of the worksheet, and then all the cells in...
To clear an entire sheet using a VBA code in one go, you need to use two things: first is the CLEAR method, and thenCELLS to refer to all the cellsof a worksheet. Clearing a sheet with a VBA code is like resetting everything in the worksheet. This tutorial will look at using the ...
If you don’t see it, use Excel Options to display the developer tab on your ribbon. Example 1 – Clearing the Contents of the Active Sheet with Excel VBA First, we’ll clear the contents of the active sheet only. This method is handy for clearing one sheet at a time. Steps: Go ...
Clear Sheet (By Name) To clear a specificsheetuse the following code where “Sheet1” is the name of the sheet to clear: Sheets("Sheet1").Cells.Clear Clear Worksheet (From Variable) To clear a sheet defined by anobject variableuse the following code: ...
To clear the data onSheet1using Excel VBA, open theVBA Editor(ALT + F11) and insert the following code into a new module: Sub Clearsheet() Sheets("Sheet1").Cells.ClearContents End Sub In your Excel file it will look something like this: ...
1.清除单元格内容:使用"Clear"方法可以清除工作表中的单元格内容。例如,要清除A1单元格的内容,可以使用以下代码: ```vba Range("A1").Clear ``` 如果要清除多个单元格的内容,可以指定一个范围,例如: ```vba Range("A1:B2").Clear ``` 2.清除格式:除了清除单元格内容,"Clear"方法还可以清除单元格的格式...
With ws.Sort .SortFields.Clear .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("b2:b10"), _ SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal .SetRange Range("A1:B10") .Header = xlYes .MatchCase = False .Orientation = xlTopToBottom .SortMethod = xlPinYin .A...
相对于每个基本单位,我们都可以选择跳转(select),清空(clear),取消合并(UnMerge),合并(Merge).删除(delete),激活(activate),复制(copy),粘贴(paste) 其实它并不局限于当前的某行某列,更加有效的方法是在规则上的控制。比如:某页的最后一行,某页的最后一列。
VBA, With Sheet, ClearContents of tableAsk Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago Modified 6 years, 1 month ago Viewed 638 times 1 I have a table I would like to clear, getting object required error on my range line. I also have tried other things but it tends to also clear the cu...
Clear 全部清除 '初始化 Sub csh() For i = 2 To 7 UserForm1. ComboBox1. AddItem Sheet1. Range("A" & i) Next End Sub ---#UserForm1#--- Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Call csh '删除ComboBox中的第二项 Me. ComboBox1. RemoveItem (1) End Sub '将复合框中当前选定的值返回到单元格...