Sub Sheet_where()Debug.Print ActiveSheet.Name '激活sheetDebug.Print Me.Name '本sheet(代码所在sheet)End Sub
oldName = shtList.Cells(i, 1).Value newName = shtList.Cells(i, 2).Value ' 检查B列是否为空,如果为空则不需要修改工作表名称 If newName <> "" Then ' 检查要修改的工作表是否存在 If WorksheetExists(oldName) Then ' 检查新名称是否已经存在 If Not WorksheetExists(newName) Then ' 修改工作...
ActiveSheet.Copy ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="D:\" & ActiveSheet.Name & ".xlsx" ActiveWorkbook.Close 8.激活工作表、删除工作表 Worksheets("VBAMatrix").Activate '激活工作表 '代码块 ActiveSheet.Delete '删除工作表 9.遍历当前工作簿的所有工作表 Dim sht As Worksheet For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook...
没有内置功能。Function SheetExists(SheetName As String, Optional wb As Excel.Workbook) Dim s As Excel.Worksheet If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ThisWorkbook On Error Resume Next Set s = wb.Sheets(SheetName) On Error GoTo ...
I have a dashboard copy from my company website and I'm trying to copy the email raw data into my editted worksheet, but it's still like a mess: It's kinda like this: [ This sheet name "Sheet3" and the other one is "Sheet1". They all have the same Tracking# number: ...
For Each 循环语句的含义是这样的:For Each 【元素】 in 【集合】其中【元素】和【集合】必需是相对应的,工作表元素 Worksheet 就要对应工作表集合 Worksheets ;单元格元素 Cell/Range 就要对应单元格集合 Range ;依此类推。当应用于工作表时,可以理解为:For Each 【某一工作表】 in 【工作表...
This are the codes: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() UserForm1.Hide Dim wsUserSel As Worksheet Dim ws As Worksheet Dim ExFund As Variant On Error Resume Next Set wsUserSel = ListBox1.Value Set ws = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)) On Error GoTo 0 With wsUs...
PublicXAsNewWorksheet 如果在宣告物件變數時未使用New關鍵詞,則必須先使用Set語句將參照物件的變數指派給現有的物件,才能使用它。 在指派物件之前,宣告的物件變數具有特殊值Nothing,表示它不會參考物件的任何特定實例。 您也可以使用Public語句搭配空括弧來宣告動態數位。 宣告動態陣列之後,請在程式內使用ReDim語句來定義...
vba的active可以作为前缀, 使用在很多对象的前面, 如: activeworksheet, activeCell, activeRange... 设置选择区域的边框//边线, 使用的 对象和属性是: selection.border(xlEdgeRight).. : 你可以直接使用 border属性, 要么你就使用某一条边框: borders(xlEdgeTop)但是这里的borders就要用 "复数" borders. ...
Dim xlSheet As Excel.WorkSheet Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1) (95) ‘创建并传递一个 Excel.Application 对象的引用 Call MySub (CreateObject("Excel.Application")) (96) Set d = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionar...