' If a function's arguments are defined as follows:FunctionMyFunc(MyStrAsString,OptionalMyArg1As_Integer=5,OptionalMyArg2 ="Dolly")DimRetVal' The function can be invoked as follows:RetVal = MyFunc("Hello",2,"World")' All 3 arguments supplied.RetVal = MyFunc("Test", ,5)' Second argument...
Set f = Nothing Set fs = Nothing no = Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd") Sheet5.PivotTables("数据透视表2").PivotCache.Refresh m = Sheet5.Range("j65536").End(xlUp).Row - 2 For a = 2 To m MkDir temp & no & " " & Sheet5.Cells(a, 10) '创建文件 Next a m = Sheet1.Range("...
学习Excel技术,关注微信公众号: excelperfect 在编写VBA代码处理工作表单元格时,经常会使用到SpecialCells方法来获取特定单元格,然而,使用该方法会引起一些“副作用”,我们还是了解清楚比较好些...图1 将下面的代码输入到该工作表的代码模块中: Sub TestSpecialCells1() Cells.SpecialCells xlCellTypeBlanks End Sub Priva...
Set rg1 = [A5:C3] rg1.Cells(6, 4).Value = "test" '注意这里的cells(6,4)由于加了RANGE限定符 '以A3为左上角,6行4列就是D8单元格了。 Item属性 返回一个Range对象,它代表对指定区域某一偏移量处的区域。 语法:Item(RowIndex, ColumnIndex)...
Sub Test() End Sub Sub stands for "Subroutine" which you can define for now as "macro." Running the Test macro runs any code that is between Sub Test() and End Sub. Now, edit the macro so that it looks similar to the following code. ...
Sub test()Dim x As Long Dim i As Range For x = 1 To Range("I65536").End(xlUp).Row If Cells(x, 1) = "这里换成筛选条件" Then '如果是不确定的条件,也可以用instr来写 If i Is Nothing Then Set i = Cells(x, 1)Else Set i = Union(i, Cells(x, 1))End If End ...
MyData = "7VBA"MyTest = IsNumeric(MyData)上述代码将返回: False 2 IsEmpty函数 这个函数将返回一个指示是否已初始化变量的“Boolean”布尔值。语法:IsEmpty(expression)参数:expression是一个包含数值或字符串表达式的Variant。但是, 由于IsEmpty用于确定是否初始化了各个变量, 因此expression参数通常是单个变量...
Option Explicit Sub test() Dim n%, m%, Folder$, File$, Wb As Workbook, Time!, Time1!, Time2! With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) .Show '打开文件夹 Folder = .SelectedItems(1) & "\" '文件夹路径赋值 End With Time1 = Timer '提取当前时间 'Application.ScreenUpdating =...
Exit Sub 退出相应的sub,function,for,do Exit function Exit for Exit do 跳转语句 goto-跳转到指定地方 Subtest() Dimst100:st= Aplication.InputBox("请输入数字","输入提示") If len(st) =0Then GoTo100EndSub gosub-return-跳过去,返回来
Sub test() Dim sht1 As Worksheet Set sht1 = Worksheets.Add sht1.Name = "汇总表" End Sub 代码中定义了sht1为工作表变量,变量赋值时,worksheets.add方法返回新增的工作表对象赋值给sht1,即新建的工作表,将新工作表sht1的name属性更改。 示例三 ...