The String function does not modify the original string. Instead, it returns a new string of the specified length. If the ‘Character’ argument is a string, it will only use the first character of that string. For example, if the character is “Apple,” the String function will only use...
2 在与用户定义的数据类型中的可变长度字符串一起使用时,Len 无法确定所需的实际存储字节数。 3 Use the RightB function with byte data contained in a string. Instead of specifying the number ofcharactersto return, length specifies the number of bytes。 4 与在双字节字符集语言中一样,将MidB函数用于...
' If a function's arguments are defined as follows:FunctionMyFunc(MyStrAsString,OptionalMyArg1As_Integer=5,OptionalMyArg2 ="Dolly")DimRetVal' The function can be invoked as follows:RetVal = MyFunc("Hello",2,"World")' All 3 arguments supplied.RetVal = MyFunc("Test", ,5)' Second argument...
FunctionLEFT(ByVal str As String,ByVal Length As Integer)As String FunctionLeft(ByVal str As String,ByVal Length As Integer)As String 每个函数都有两个参数,这两个参数都是必需的。第一个参数是现有字符串,第二个参数是从字符串左侧开始计算的字符数。下面是一个例子: 代码语言:javascript 复制 SubExe...
Public Function TextLength(sString As String) As Long UserForm.TextMeasure.Caption = sString TextLength = UserForm.TextMeasure.Width End Function 2018-10-29 0 0 daut 用户1355的答案非常好! (我会把它放在评论中,但我的声誉还不够高...) 我不是测量标签,而是测量单元格中的文本,我不想对字体做出...
Public Function Len(ByVal Expression As String) As Integer 此函数接受一个字符串作为参数。如果该函数成功地计数了字符数(通常是这样),它将返回一个整数。下面是一个例子。 Sub Exercise7() Dim Item As String Dim Length As Integer Item = "excelperfect" Length =...
Function MidMbcs(ByVal str as String, start, length)MidMbcs = StrConv(MidB(StrConv(str, vbFromUnicode), start, length), vbUnicode)End Function Dim MyString MyString = "AbCdEfG"' Where "A", "C", "E", and "G" are DBCS and "b", "d",' and "f" are SBCS.MyNewString = Mid(...
End Function '定义全局函数,使用public关键字,这个关键字跟变量定义是一致的。后面跟的as long是返回类型 Public Function test(a as long) as long test = a ^ 2 End Function 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 传值和传引用 函数或方法传值使用关键字ByVal,传引用使用关键字ByRef ...
Public Function Len(ByValExpressionAs String) As Integer 此函数接受一个字符串作为参数。如果该函数成功地计数了字符数(通常是这样),它将返回一个整数。下面是一个例子。 Sub Exercise7() Dim Item As String Dim Length As Integer Item = 'excelperfect' ...
To practically understand how to use the VBA STRING function, you need to go through the below example where we have written a vba code by using it: Sub example_STRING() Range("A1").Value = String(5, "Y") End Sub In the above code, we have used STRING to create a string using ...