Function Split(ByVal Expression As String,Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = " ",Optional ByVal Limit As Integer = -1,Optional ByVal Compare As CompareMethod = CompareMethod.Binary ) As String()入参说明:Expression 是要处理分割的字符串 Delimiter 是要指定分隔符比如" "Limit 可选...
VBA Split()函数 Split()函数返回一个数组,其中包含基于分隔符分割的特定数量的值。 语法 Split(expression[,delimiter[,count[,compare]]]) 参数说明 Expression- 必需的参数。可以包含带分隔符的字符串的字符串表达式。 Delimiter- 一个可选参数。该参数用于根据分隔符转换为数组。 Count- 一个可选参数。要返回...
VBA编程是经常会用到字符串拆分函数SPLIT,用法也不复杂,但是大家对于这个函数的参数未必完全了解,下面结合示例讲解一下参数的用法。 SPLIT函数的语法格式如下: express参数为需要拆分的字符串 delimiter参数为拆分的分隔符,如果省略则使用空格做为分隔符 limit参数指定返回字符串的数量 compare参数指定拆分子字符串时的比较...
在VB.net中,Split 函数用于将字符串按照指定的分隔符分割成数组。 它的语法如下: Split(string, delimiter, count, compare) 参数说明: ●string:要分割的字符串。●delimiter:用作分隔符的字符串或字符。●count:可选参数,指定返回的数组中的元素数量。如果省略,则将返回所有分割的元素。●compare:可选参数,指定...
Function SplitText(ByVal cell As Range, ByVal delimiter As String) As Variant SplitText = Split(cell.Value, delimiter) End Function 在需要执行拆分函数的单元格上调用该函数。假设要拆分的文本位于A1单元格,拆分后的结果将显示在B1单元格中。可以使用以下代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 Sub ExecuteSplitFunc...
Expression: String which we want to split. Delimiter: Separator by which we want to split. Limit As Long: It is used to count the number of parts we want as a result. Compare: This is used to specify the type of comparison which can be done using Text, Binary, or Database. ...
You can use non printable characters as the delimiter, such as a carriage return (a line break).Here we use the vbCr to specify a carriage return.Sub SplitByNonPrintableExample() 'Create variables Dim MyArray() As String, MyString As String, I As Variant, N As Integer 'Sample string ...
When working with VBA in Excel, you may have a need to split a string into different parts based on a delimiter. For example, if you have an address, you can use the VBA Split function to get different parts of the address that are separated by a comma (which would be the delimiter...
FunctionSplit(ExpressionAsString,[Delimiter],[LimitAsLong=-1],[CompareAsVbCompareMethod=vbBinaryCompare]) 第一个参数Expression 为输入字符串 第二个参数Delimiter为分隔符 第三个参数Limit 为返回数组最长长度 结合如下例子: ' 要求 取得科目序号 以及科目名称' 科目序号 长度为3到5位;科目名称与科目序号以空...
Split("Red $ Blue $ Yellow","$") Join(List[,delimiter]) '返回一个包含数组中指定数量的子串的字符串MsgBox("Line 1"&" is :"&Join(Array("Red","Blue","Yellow"),"---"))Filter(inputstrings,value[,include[,compare]])'函数返回一个基于零的数组,其中包含基于特定过滤条件的字符串数组的子集...