Example 1 – Set Variable to a Single Cell Value Using Excel VBA Set the value of cellB4to a variable calledCustomer_Name. It’s better if you know the data type of the value and declare it beforehand, and set the value in that variable. CellB4contains the name,Boris Pasternak. It’s...
Range(“A1”).Value=100 Workbooks(1).Sheets(1). Range(“A2”).Value=200运行快 115、在循环中要尽是减少对象的访问 For k=1 To 100 Sheets(“sheet1”).select Cells(k,1).value=Cells(1,1).Value Next k 更快的代码是 set TheValue=Cells(1,1).Value Sheets(“sheet1”).select For k=1...
Sub UseVariableInFormula() Dim rng As Range Dim cellValue As Variant Dim formula As String ' 设置变量rng为A1单元格 Set rng = Range("A1") ' 获取A1单元格的值 cellValue = rng.Value ' 构建公式,使用变量cellValue作为单元格引用 formula = "=SUM(" & cellValue & ")" ' 将公式赋值...
Set sht = Worksheets("sheet1") Do While sht.Cells(i, "C"). Value <> “” On Error Resume Next If Worksheets(sht.Cells(i, "C"). Value) Is Nothing Then Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = sht. Cells(i,"C").Value sht.Range("A1:D1").Copy Worksh...
2. How is a value assigned to a global variable? You can define any type of variable such asinteger,string,date,decimal, etc. by assigning value in VBA code or calling from an Excel cell while using global-level variables. For instance,Global a as String, thus we obtainstringvalue fora...
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("D:/B.xls") MsgBox wb.Sheets("sheet1").Range("a1").Value wb.Close False End Sub --- '5 excel文件保存和备份 Sub w5() Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = ThisWorkbook wb.Save wb.SaveCopyAs "D:/ABC.xls" End Sub ---...
Invalid Variable Names:123abc, #number, Sub, abc.123 First Number (Space is not allowed between words) Declaring A VBA Variable We need to use theDimkeyword to declare a variable. There are 2 sections while declaring a variable. 1stis the variable name and 2ndis the type of value to be...
DimMyStringVariableAsStringMyStringVariable ="Wow!"Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value = MyStringVariable 分支和循环 本文中的简单程序从上到下一次执行一行。 编程的真正功能来自你必须根据指定的一个或多个条件确定要执行哪些代码行的选项。 你可以进一步扩展这些功能,以便可以重复执行一项操作许多次。 例如,下面...
' AnyValue and MyValue are declared as Variant by default with values' set to Empty.DimAnyValue, MyValue' Explicitly declare a variable of type Integer.DimNumberAsInteger' Multiple declarations on a single line. AnotherVar is of type Variant' because its type is omitted.DimAnotherVar, Choice...