Sub ApplyFormulaToSelectedCells() Dim selectedRange As Range Dim cell As Range ' 获取选定的单元格范围 Set selectedRange = Selection ' 遍历选定范围中的每个单元格 For Each cell In selectedRange ' 将公式x-TRUNC(x)应用于当前单元格 cell.Value = cell.Value - Int(cell.Value) Next cell End...
ExcelVBA教程:Range集合 多个对象 Range 多个对象 代表某⼀单元格、某⼀⾏、某⼀列、某⼀选定区域(该区域可包含⼀个或若⼲连续单元格区域),或者某⼀三维区域。Range集合⽤法 本部分将说明下列返回 Range对象的属性和⽅法:Range属性 Cells属性 Range 和 Cells Offset属性 Union⽅法 Range属性 ...
在标准的VBA模块中的过程: Sub RemoveUSD(control As IRibbonControl)Dim workRng As RangeDim Item As RangeOn Error Resume NextSetworkRng =Intersect(Selection, _Selection.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues))IfNotwor...
可用expression.Cells(row, column) 返回区域中的一部分,其中 expression 是返回 Range对象的表达式,row 和 column 为相对于该区域左上角的偏移量。下例设置单元格 C5 中的公式。 Worksheets(1).Range("C5:C10").Cells(1, 1).Formula = "=Rand()" Range 和 Cells 可用Range(cell1, cell2) 返回一个 Ran...
Set myUnion = Union(myUnion, myCell) Else Set myUnion = myCell End If End If Next myCell myUnion.Select End Sub myUnion() is used to build up the range of the cells. Thus, it is quite ok that once it is selected, all the cells with the highest value are selected. Cheers!
Cells.ClearContents Range, Select To select a cell you will write: Range("A1").Select To select a set of contiguous cells you will write: Range("A1:A5").Select To select a set of non contiguous cells you will write: Range("A1,A5,B4").Select ...
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim NodX As Node Dim accTypeDic As Object Dim arr5(), arr6() If Me.CmdSwitch.Caption = "控件输入" Then Exit Sub If Target.Row > 1 Then '避开表头 If Selection.Cells.count > 1 Then '避开多重选区 ...
Ranges and Cells in VBA Excel spreadsheets store data in Cells. Cells are arranged intoRows and Columns. Each cell can be identified by the intersection point of it’s row and column (Exs. B3 or R3C2). An Excel Range refers to one or more cells (ex. A3:B4) ...
Sets the range rng1 as the currently selected cells. For Each Cell begins a For loop that iterates through each cell in the range rng1. Increments the variable Count by 1 for each iteration of the loop. Value * rng1.Cells(Count, 2).Value multiplies the value of the current cell by ...
This will select only the visible cells, as shown below. VBA Code Explanation: Sub Select_Range() Provide a name for the sub-procedure of the macro. Dim r1ng As Range Declare the necessary variable for the macro. Set r1ng = Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange ...