Dim ArrayValues As ArrayList 'Create a new Arraylist Object 'Adding Values to ArrayValues Arraylist ArrayValues. Add("Glen") ArrayValues. Add("Jose") ArrayValues. Add("Kartina") ArrayValues. Add("Myla") Debug.Print (ArrayValues(1)) End Sub ArrayListDemo输出: Jose 在VBA 中对Array()进行...
' 构建 SQL 插入语句 strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Sheet1$] (姓名, 科目, 成绩) VALUES ('" _ & ws.Cells(i, 1).Value & "', '" & ws.Cells(i, 2).Value _ & "', '" & ws.Cells(i, 3).Value & "')" conn.Execute strSQL Next i ' 关闭连接 conn.Close Set conn = Nothing End ...
Set xSeries = xChart.SeriesCollection(1)'返回第一个系列对象 xArr = xSeries.XValues '返回x轴值数组 xArr = xSeries.Values'返回系列值数组 xSeries.Values = Array(222, 221, 1111)'设置系列值 xSeries.XValues = Array("姓名一", "姓名二", "姓名三") '设置x轴系列值 Series对象方法和属性 很显然,...
Set dt = Sheets("tdata") dt.[a1:ab70].ClearContents ws.[a1].CurrentRegion.Copydt.[a1] dt.Activate [g1] = [b1] v =Split([a1].CurrentRegion.Address, "$")(4) Range("b1:b"& v).AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, [g1:g2], [k1], True For ...
Set values = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") idx = SkipWhitespace(str, idx) c = Mid(str, idx, 1) If c = "]" Then parseArray = values.Items Exit Function End If Do idx = SkipWhitespace(str, idx) If Mid(str, idx, 1) = "{" Then ...
vArray=Range("A1:C10000").Value2 'read all the values at once from the Excel cells,put into an array For iRow=LBound(vArray,1)ToUBound(vArray,1)For iCol=LBound(vArray,2)ToUBound(vArray,2)dValue=vArray(iRow,iCol)If dValue>0Then ...
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _ Order:=xlAscending, _ DataOption:=xlSortNormal With Application.Worksheets(sheet_name).Sort .SetRange Range("A1:" & Chr(Maxcol + 64) & Maxrow) '设置排序区域 .Header = xlYes '是否带表头。标题:xlYes将第一栏视作标题栏,不参与排序 ...
具体操作1、VBA数组的定义方法下面是几种数组常用的定义方法,一维数组的定义、二维数组的定义直接赋值定义、调用Array函数定义、调用Excel工作表内存数组'''直接定义给数组赋值'...arr2(2, 2) '读取arr1数组的第2行第2列的数值End Sub2、数组的赋值和计算'读取单元格数据到数组,进行计算,再赋值给单元格Sub arr...
Sub CleanUpData()Dim ws As WorksheetDim rng As RangeDim cell As RangeDim ArrCodesDim i As LongSetws = ActiveSheetOnErrorResumeNextSetrng = ws.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers + xlTextValues)IfrngIsNothingThenExitSubEndIfOnErrorGoTo0ArrCodes =Ar...
Sub ResetValuesToZero2() Dim n as Range For Each n In Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“WorkArea1”) If n.Value<>0 Then n.Value=0 End If Next n End Sub ‘给一个区域赋值 Sub setZero() Sheet1.Range(“A1:D5”)=0 End Sub