SubDeleteEmptyRows() SelectedRange = Selection.Rows.Count ActiveCell.Offset(0,0).SelectFori =1ToSelectedRangeIfActiveCell.Value =""ThenSelection.EntireRow.DeleteElseActiveCell.Offset(1,0).SelectEndIfNextiEndSub 请注意,您可以选择一列单元格,然后运行此宏来删除所选列中具有空白单元格的所有行。
ExcelVBA教程:Range集合 ExcelVBA教程:Range集合 多个对象 Range 多个对象 代表某⼀单元格、某⼀⾏、某⼀列、某⼀选定区域(该区域可包含⼀个或若⼲连续单元格区域),或者某⼀三维区域。Range集合⽤法 本部分将说明下列返回 Range对象的属性和⽅法:Range属性 Cells属性 Range 和 Cells Offset属性...
Set selectedRange = Selection ``` 2.使用Selection对象读取或修改选择的单元格的值: ```vba '读取选择的单元格的值 Dim selectedValue As Variant selectedValue = Selection.Value '修改选择的单元格的值 Selection.Value = "New Value" ``` 3.使用Selection对象读取或修改选择的单元格的格式: ```vba '读取...
Selection对象 - 选定的范围或光标位置。 Selection Object – A selected range or cursor location. 1)选择活动文档中的第二段: select the second paragraph in active document: ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(2).Range.Select 2)使用选择对象键入一些文本: you can use the Selection Object to type some text: Se...
nextrow=Application.CountA(Range("A:A"))+1 '设定变量为A列第一个空单元格 If ListBox1.Selected(i) Then Sheet1.Cells(nextrow, 1).Value= ListBox1.List(i) '如果是选中状态则输出到工作表 Next i For i=0 To ListBox1.ListCount-1 '此三行取消选择状态 ListBox1.Selected(i...
Dim selectedAreas As Range Dim i As Integer Dim tempShape As Shape '遍历当前工作表中每个所选区域 For Each selectedAreas In Selection.Areas '创建矩形 Set redBox=ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle,_ selectedAreas.Left,selectedAreas.Top,_ ...
使用包含若干块的选定区域时,Areas属性很有用。它将一个多块选定区域分割为单个的 Range对象,然后将这些对象作为一个集合返回。使用返回的集合的Count属性可检测一个选定区域是否包含多块区域,如下例所示。 Sub NoMultiAreaSelection() NumberOfSelectedAreas = Selection.Areas.Count ...
Sub GetUserSelectedRange() Dim rng As Range Dim strPrompt As String Dim strTitle As String Dim strDefault As String Dim x As Integer ' 设置提示信息、标题和默认区域 strPrompt = "请选择一个单元格区域:" strTitle = "选择区域" strDefault = "A1:A1" ' 默认选中的区域,如果用户没有选择任何区...
I think this behavior is by design, because the cells are aligned in Excel, if you select the the range "A1:B30" which contains a merged cell "B3:C3", the column C cannot avoid to be selected. Even though we can manually select A1:B30 as you expected, but we cannot do some oper...