3)’Range("A2", Range("A2").Offset(0, 10)).Select Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10)).Select 语句说明:执行上述代码后选择当前活动单元格向右至第10个单元格。 n备注: OFFSET函数可以把他看做一个单元格的属性,即Range.Offset 属性。返回 Range 对象,它代表位于指定单元格区域的一定的偏移量...
Range("A1:A2").Offset(3, 2).Select Apart from that, you can also write code to select the range using a custom size. Take an example of the following code. Range(Range("A1").Offset(1, 1), Range("A1").Offset(5, 2)).Select ...
'表达式.Offset(偏移行, 偏移列) '表达式 一个代表 Range 对象的变量。 '偏移行列的数字可以是:正数,负数,零值 1Subtest()2[a1].Offset(1,2).Select'行列都偏移3[a1].Offset(2).Select'只偏移行4[a1].Offset(,2).Select'只偏移列56'如果offset前面的range对象是一个区域,则偏移后也结果尺寸不变7[a1...
ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset:=1, ColumnOffset:=0).Select Next i End Sub 使用此代码,您可以按从 00:00 到 23:00 的顺序插入时间范围。 80. 将日期转换为天 Sub date2day() Dim tempCell As Range Selection.Value = Selection.Value For Each tempCell In Selection ...
Offset Property UseOffset(row, column), whererowandcolumnare the row and column offsets, to return a range at a specified offset to another range. The following example selects the cell three rows down from and one column to the right of the cell in the upper-left corner of the current...
01Sub NotGood()02DimiAs Integer03ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Select04Range("A5").Select05Selection.Value = "Enter Numbers"06For i = 1 To 1507ActiveCell.Cells(2).Select08Selection.Value = i09Next10End Sub Example 2 01' Least amount of code but no variables02'(variables are better as the...
SubDeleteEmptyRows() SelectedRange = Selection.Rows.Count ActiveCell.Offset(0,0).SelectFori =1ToSelectedRangeIfActiveCell.Value =""ThenSelection.EntireRow.DeleteElseActiveCell.Offset(1,0).SelectEndIfNextiEndSub Be aware that you can select a column of cells and run this macro to delete all ro...
End If ' Use afor-loop to iterate over all the cells ' within a specific range.Di...