Method 3 – Using EntireColumn.Select Suppose you find a value in cellA2and then want to select the entire column. TheApplication.Unionmethod in conjunction withEntireColumn.Selectcan accomplish this task. This method is also appropriate if you find multiple values in different cells. Steps PressAl...
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Note: borders in the image for illustration only. 8. Select cell D6. The following code line enters the value 2 into the first cell of the column that contains the active cell. ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Cells(1).Value = 2 Note: borders in the image for illustratio...
示例:Range("A1").Select Selection.ClearContents5.5.2 清理/删除Excel中第一个标题行以外的所有行同样使用ClearContents方法,主要是确定如何选中除第一行以外的表格。 示例代码如下:Sub ClearContentExceptFirst() Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).ClearContents End Sub5.5...
Thanks! Public Sub DeleteDupRows() Dim plLine As Integer: plLine = 2 'sheet have header Dim plColumn As Integer: plColumn = 1 Dim rowReferece As Integer: rowReferece = 2 'rows and columns used to search Dim columnReference As Integer: columnReference = 1 Dim duplicated As Integer: d...
Method 5 – Inserting a Loop Through an Entire Row in Excel Range STEPS: Right-click on the active sheet named ‘Entire Row’. Select the option ‘View Code’. A blank VBA code window for the active worksheet will open. Or press Alt + F11. Enter the following code in that code window...
Select blank cells Quick access toolbar Run macro when open How to - Dialog boxes Multiply numbers in each row by entire cell range How to save specific multiple worksheets to a pdf file programmatically Find literal values in formulas Consecutive values Working with comments – VBA Copy filtered...
36. Cells(x, y).Select: 选择指定的单元格。 37. Cells(x, y).Copy: 复制指定的单元格。 38. Cells(x, y).Cut: 剪切指定的单元格。 39. Cells(x, y).PasteSpecial: 粘贴特殊格式的单元格。 40. Cells(x, y).Insert: 插入新单元格。
(2)Range(“a1048576”):Excel 2003升级至2007后,可用行数从65536行提升至1048576行,所以表示A列最大行数时使用Range(“a1048576”).Row。 (3)End(xlUp):Range.End属性返回一个Range对象,代表包含源区域的区域尾端的单元格。 (4)Range.Select:选择单元格。要选择单元格或单元格区域,使用Select方法。要使单个...
'Reference D5 (Relative Row, Absolute Column) from cell A1'=$D5Range("a1").FormulaR1C1="=R[4]C4" VBA Formula Property When setting formulas with the .Formula Propertyyou will always use A1-style notation. You enter the formula just like you would in an Excel cell, except surrounded ...
xRg(K).EntireRow.DeleteIfCStr(xRg(K).Value) ="CL"ThenK = K -1EndIfL = L +1EndIfNextApplication.ScreenUpdating =TrueEndSub I've tried renaming the variable and classing it as an Integer rather than a Long, but I still get the same error message every time....