之前给客户写了一个vba程序,一直运行正常,昨天突然告诉我说报错了; 过去一看,居然报错 overflow,可是我看了内容很少啊;找了半天发现问题所在了。 不是因为数据太大,而是因为格式问题也可能报错overflow 当然…
In this tutorial, you will learn why Overflow (Error 6) occurs and how to deal with in while write a VBA code.
在VBA代码中,我们经常会看到类似于On Error Resume Next这样的语句,这是编译器在代码遇到错误时自动处理的语句。有时候,在代码中进行适当的错误处理,可以使代码在实际应用后更健壮,避免由于各种原因导致的代码异常给用户带来的困扰。
Please provide some useful info about the problem! The visible part of the code in the first screenshot doesn't seem to have an error! However, the Overflow error is one of the most popular runtime errors in VBA, please check out this documentation article to learn more about...
套用了别人的宏,行数少时可以运行,但当行数较多时提示 runtime error6,overflow。请问怎么解决?Sub delete_colnames()Dim colNamesDim i%, j%colNames = Array("商家ID", "省份") '添加指定的列名For i = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1If Len(Cells(1, i)) = 0 Then GoTo...
PeterGallin,Haytham Amairah, I have the same (run-time error '6' overflow) when I open WORD... . ... it seems to happen only when Excel is opened (but not necessarly running). I red the answers and flow the links but didn't find answers to my situation. I...
Examples of Run Time Error 6: OverFlow in VBA Let us see some examples of VBA overflow errors in Excel. Example 1: OverFlow Error with Byte Data Type Knowing the pros and cons of theVBA data typewe will use is important. For example, look at the below code. ...
7.ActiveX component can't create object or return reference to this object (Error 429)ActiveX 组件无法创建对象或返回对此对象的引用(错误 429) 8.ActiveX component did not run correctly (Error 338)ActiveX 组件未正确运行(错误 338) 9.ActiveX component not correctly registered (Error 336)ActiveX 组件...
对VBA行为感到困惑:&H100 * &HBB生成溢出错误(Runtime Error '6' Overflow),而16 ^ 2 * 187不生成溢出错误。怀疑这是带有&H文字字符的数据类型强制;使用十六进制符号(颜色设置)读取代码更清晰。想了解它背后的是什么,如果你能提供一些光明!! MS (VBA7)在64位Office365许可证上. 浏览11提问于2022-1...
If the argument is outside this range, runtime error 6, "Overflow," results. The return value of Hex is dependent upon the value and type of number : number Return Value Null Null Empty Zero (0) Any other number Up to eight hexadecimal characters...