Guide to VBA Replace String. We learn to replace particular word from string with another string through VBA code using Replace function in excel.
.Text=tarText .Replacement.Text=repText .Forward=True.Wrap=wdFindContinue .Format=False.MatchCase=False.MatchWholeWord=False.MatchByte=True.MatchWildcards=True'要设置为True,否则通配符不生效.MatchSoundsLike =False.MatchAllWordForms=FalseEndWithSelection.Find.ExecuteReplace:=wdReplaceAll ActiveWindow.Activ...
Sub 处理过程(aDoc,findTextAsString,Optional replaceTextAsString="^&",Optional wildCardsAsBoolean=False)On Error GoTo err1 With aDoc.Content.Find.ClearFormatting.Forward=True.Wrap=0.MatchWildCards=wildCards.Text=findText.Replacement.ClearFormatting.Replacement.Text=replaceText.ExecuteReplace:=2End With Ex...
Function RangeRegexReplace(ByVal Text As String, ByVal MatchPatternRange As Range, _ ByVal ReplacePatternRange As Range, Optional ByVal IngoreCase As Boolean = True) As String 'By Jing He 2017-9-1 'Last update 2017-9-2 Dim count As Integer, x As Integer, i As Integer, j As Intege...
其中,参数string为要转换的字符串,参数conversion为指定转换的类型,参数LCID为可选参数。 如果将参数conversion设置为vbUpperCase或1,则将字符串转换成大写;设置为vbLowerCase或2,则将字符串转换成小写;设置为vbProperCase或3,则将字符串中每个字的开头字母转换成大写;设置为vbUnicode或64,则根据系统的缺省码页将字符...
To replace text in a moduleOn the Edit menu, choose Replace. The Replace dialog box appears. In the Find What box, type the text you want to search for. In the Replace With box, type the replacement text. Select a Search option to specify where to look for the text. Select a direct...
Guapo version v1.0 / function deleteLineStartBlank(){ document.selection.Replace("^\\s*","",eeFindNext | eeReplaceAll | eeFindReplaceRegExp);} / 删除当前正在编辑文档的行尾的所有空格(包含Tab键)author Guapo version v1.0 / function deleteLineEndBlank()...
Dim S As String Dim N As Long For Each rng In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells S = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(rng.Text) N = 0 If S <> vbNullString Then N = Len(S) - Len(Replace(S, " ", "")) + 1 End If WordCnt = WordCnt + N ...