test1的内容 ''' id name score 1 张三 100 2 李四 99 3 王五 98 ''' test1 = pd.read...
Method 2 – Excel VBA to Read Line by Line of a CSV File into an Array STEPS: Open a VBA window (pressAlt + F11). Go toInsertand selectModulefrom the drop-down menu. Copy and paste theVBA codebelow into the module. VBA Code: ...
Workbooks.Open(FileName, UpdateLinks, ReadOnly, Format, Password, WriteResPassword, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended, Origin, Delimiter, Editable, Notify, Converter, AddToMru, Local, CorruptLoad) 其中FileName是必选的参数,表示要打开的工作簿名,如果没有指定路径,则代表当前路径。另外14个是可选参数,除了密码参...
When I use `Workbooks.open` method to open the csv file I want to use, it takes me 30 seconds. However, Excel foramtted the data automatically during file opening. It formats some values like date, ...
FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename _ (Filefilter:="HDL Files (*.dat), *.dat", Title:="Select HDL Files", MultiSelect:=True) r = 2 If IsArray(FileToOpen) Then For FileCnt = 1 To UBound(FileToOpen) Filename = fso.getfilename(FileToOpen(FileCnt)) ...
你的代码本身没有什么问题,f也可以提取下一个Dir文件,给你把代码精简一下后,你再测试:f$ = Dir(sPath & "\*.csv")Do While f <> ""Target = (sPath & "\" & f)tmp = ReadAnyTextFile(Target, "utf-8")buf = Split(tmp, vbCrLf)'你的文档里面每一行的字符串都是以逗号间隔的...
要导入txt中的二维数组,可以使用Python的文件操作功能。下面是一个示例代码,以及详细的说明: ```python # 1. 打开txt文件 file = open("data.txt", "r") # 2. 读取文件内容 content = file.read() # 3. 关闭文件 file.close() # 4. 将内容转换为二维数组rows = content.split( ...
The example in this article explains how using the methods in the FileSystemObject we can create a text file, write into the file and read its contents.
UTF-8" '设定编码 .Position = 2 ReadUTF = .ReadText '读取文本 .Close '关闭 End With End Function 'VBA...函数与过程简洁教程 Sub 过程名() 'Sub表示过程,在执行宏或图形右击指定宏中看得到,不能返回值 Call 函数名(Array(1, 2), b) '调用过程并把返回值放入r End Sub '结束过程...Function...
Dim MyArray1(20) As String Dim MyArray2(10 to 20) As String Dim MyArray3( ) As String 2. 数组的赋值 给数组赋值的时候,要分别给数组里的每个元素赋值,赋值的方法与给变量的赋值方法一样。例如: MyArray1(1)="Hello!" MyArray1(2)="VBA" …… MyArray1(20)="Bye!" 3. 多维数组 上面...