SubPaste_Range()Dimrange_to_copyAsRange,range_for_pastingAsRangeSetrange_to_copy=Range("A1:F5")Setrange_for_pasting=Range("A7")range_to_copy.Copyrange_for_pasting.PasteSpecialPaste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormatsEndSub You will end up with this as a result: The original and value/format data...
When weuse paste values, some number formats like, percentage/currency do not get pasted. For this reason, we can paste number formats along with the values. Here is a program which copies values in the percentage format from the source cell and uses the paste special feature to achieve the...
64,"友情提示":exit sub for each cell in selection j = j+len(cell.value) '计算字符总长度' for i = 1 to len(cell) str = mid(cell.value,i,1) if str like "[一-龥]"=true then te = te + 1 elseif str like "[a-zA-Z]"=true then eng = eng + 1 elseif str like "[0-9...
1.当单元格的值为True或者False时,该单元格的值类型是boolean,判断语句用:if cells(1,1)=true then 2.判断单元格为空,判断语句用:if cells(1,1).value="" then 11.转置粘贴 Range(Cells(9, 11), Cells(9, 20)).Copy Range(Cells(10, 11), Cells(19, 11)).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, ...
MsgBox rg.ValueEndSub 方法Add, 只能作用于 表示复数的对象, 如 workbooks, worksheets, 而不能应用于 单数的对象,如 worksheet, workbook等. workbooks.add, worksheets.add 默认的工作表中的按钮事件过程, 是private的, 但是你可以 手动地修改为 public, 这样 在其他工作表中就可以使用了. ...
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("设置").Range(CR).Value = FJ(3) '记录文件名 ThisWorkbook.Sheets("设置").Range("AG1").Value = FJ(3) '记录文件名 fd.Execute '执行打开 Me.CommandButton62.Enabled = True Exit For Next End If End With Set fd = Nothing ...
复制至档尾(nyG或者ynG,复制到第n行,例如1yG或者y1G,复制到档尾) 3....
CreateItem(0) On Error Resume Next With OutMail .Subject = Range("K1").Value .To = Range("K2").Value .Cc = Range("K3").Value .Bcc = Range("K4").Value .Body = Range("A1:H13").Value .Send End With On Error GoTo 0 Set OutMail = Nothing...
23、g.Value).Rows.DeleteThiSWOrkbOOk.Sheets(MyRng-VaIue).Range(MyRng-VaIue)-Copy SheetS(MyRng.Value).Cells(2,1).PaSteSPeCial Paste:=XIPaSteVaIUeSZOperationr=XlNone, _SkipBIanksi=FaIsez Transposei=FaIseEnd IfNeXt MyRng '数拯行,处理£他匸作表RefreShAll1刷新表报Save傑存新报表.sheeets(,...
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False '粘贴 ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=12 '向下滚动12行 Range("G32:G36,I32:I36").Select '选取区域 Application.CutCopyMode = False '消除使用copy复制后产生的虚线框 Selection.Copy '复制 Range("C...