msoFileDialogOpen 允许用户打开文件。用Excel打开。 msoFileDialogSaveAs 允许用户保存一个文件。 分别举例如下: 1、msoFileDialogFilePicker 1)选择单个文件 SubSelectFile()'选择单一文件WithApplication.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) .AllowMultiSelect=False'单选择 .InitialFileName = "ok" .Title = "Please select...
以方便日后使用 写成两个函数 【函数一】:打开文件夹对话框,多选文件,确定,返回文件列表数组 【...
Method 2 – Open Workbook Using GetOpenFileDialog We can also open a workbook using theGetOpenFileNamedialog in Excel VBA. This function helps open files in VBA. We will utilize this function to open a workbook from any path through File Explorer. ...
The File Explorer selects the folder. The address of that folder is assigned asStringtoSelected_Folder.If the user selects multiple folders, only the first selection will be taken using the If statement. Set Ob_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Ob_Folder = Ob_FSO.GetFolder(...
在工作中我们常常会在一个工作簿的一个工作表中输入数据,再另存为一个新的工作簿。 如:在文件“自动工具.xlsx”中有一个工作表为“模板”。...我想在“模板”工作表中输入数据,再另存为一个新的文件为“小龙女.xlsx” 【知识点】 下面是本个收藏的代码,三种方法,以
shell"explorer.exe D:/A/,1'打开指定文件夹 Cells.ClearContents '清空表 Workbooks(“book1.xls”).Activate '激活名为book1的工作簿 ThisWorkbook.Save'保存工作簿 ThisWorkbook.close '关闭当前工作簿 Workbooks.Open("D:\打开工作簿指定文件夹下.xls") ...
Private Const OFS_FILE_OPEN_FLAGS = OFN_EXPLORER Or _ OFN_LONGNAMES Or _ OFN_CREATEPROMPT Or _ OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS Private Type OPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long hWndOwner As LongPtr hInstance As LongPtr lpstrFilter As String lpstrCustomFilter As String nMaxCustFilter As Long nFilterIndex As...
Shell "explorer.exe " & saveFolder, vbMaximizedFocus On Error Resume Next If Not xlBook Is Nothing Then '工作簿已打开,执行关闭 xlBook.Close False End If wrdApp.Quit xlApp.Quit Set wrdTable = Nothing Set wrdDoc = Nothing Set wrdApp = Nothing Set xlSheet = Nothing Set xlBook = Nothin...
Usually, whenever Excel displays the Open dialog box, you simply need to: Navigate to the folder containing the Excel workbook you want to open. Select the file to be opened and click on the Open button in the lower-right corner of the Open dialog. ...
Click OK to allow and the project will be created.After the project is created, save it by clicking File | Save All; the default location is fine for this example. Double-click on ThisWorkbook.vb in Solution Explorer to open the designer for the workbook. You can expose any view to VBA...