Workbook Codes 17 根据对话框选择打开文件Workbook Open File Dialog Sub mynzvba_open_dialog() Dim strFile As String strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename() Workbooks.Open (strFile) End Sub 本节内容参考程序文件:Chapter03-2.xlsm 18 检查工作簿文件是否打开Check if a Workbook is Open Sub mynzvba...
.InitialFileName = "D:\TestFolder\TestFile.txt" '初次打开窗口的路径以及默认名称 .AllowMultiSelect = False '是否允许选择多个文件 .Filters.Clear '清除现有规则 .Filters.Add "Text File", "*.txt" '增加规则 .Filters.Add "EXCEL File", "*.xlsx; *.xls", 1 '增加规则到第一位 .Filters.Add "...
Dim fileDialog As dialog = New OpenFileDialog() fileDialog.InitialDirectory = "C:\" fileDialog.RestoreDirectory = True fileDialog.Title = "Select a file" fileDialog.Multiselect = False fileDialog.ShowDialog() TextBox1.Text = fileDialog.FileName End Sub 在此示例中,定义了名为“FileDialog”的对象,该...
I am using vba code in MS Word [Office365]. When I display the Open File dialog for the user to select multiple files, it is not allowing me to select files from multiple folders.. I can however select multiple files from the same folder though. Below is the code I have: ... Set...
DialogType属性:只读,文件对话框类型。 FilterIndex属性:可读写,获取或设置文件对话框的默认筛选条件。 Filters属性:只读,获取FileDialogFilters集合。 InitialFileName属性:可读写,设置或返回文件对话框中默认显示的文件路径和名称。 InitialView属性:可读写,...
FileDialog 对象。FileDialog 属性的语法:Application.FileDialog(fileDialogType)其中:⚫ 参数 fileDialogType,用于指定对话框的类型,是一个 MsoFileDialogType 常量。有 4 种类型的 FileDialog 对象,其中:常量 msoFileDialogOpen 的值为 1,表示打开文件对话框,允许选择一 个或多个文件,使用 Execute 方法打开文件...
Guide to VBA FileDialog. Here we will discuss how to open a FileDialog box using VBA code along with excel example & explanation.
您可以使用InitialFileName属性来设置默认路径和文件名。例如,下面的示例代码将默认路径设置为用户桌面上的“测试”文件夹: Sub SelectFileIniPath() Dim fd As FileDialog Setfd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) fd.AllowMultiSelect = False fd.Title = "请选择要打开的文件" fd.Filters.Clear fd.Filte...
Displaying File Open dialog File Opendialog can return the file name, which is needed forWorkbooks.Open, along with its path. To display theFile Opendialog, you need to call theApplication.GetOpenFilenamemethod. Application.GetOpenFilename (FileFilter, FilterIndex, Title, ButtonText, MultiSelect)...
1 xlDialogOpen 1 “打开”对话框 2 xlDialogOpenLinks 2 “打开链接”对话框 3 xlDialogSaveAs 5 “另存为”对话框 4 xlDialogFileDelete 6 “文件删除”对话框 5 xlDialogPageSetup 7 “页面设置”对话框 6 xlDialogPrint 8 “打印”对话框 7 xlDialogPrinterSetup 9 “打印机设置”对话框 8 xlDialog...