Workbooks.OpenFilename:="I:\09. Excel\01.解读Excel VBA\Excel VBA解读(81):工作表事件示例\excelvba81.xlsm" End Sub 打开后的工作簿excelvba81.xlsm成为当前工作簿。 示例代码2:将打开的工作簿赋值给变量 下面的代码将打开的工作簿赋给对...
Sub CloseWorkbook() ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub 如要避免出现提示,可添加“SaveChanges”参数,如直接保存并关闭工作簿: Sub ClostAndSaveWorkbook() ActiveWorkbook.Close Savechanges:=True End Sub 将上述代码中的“True”改为“False”,则直接关闭工作簿而不保存。 关闭所有打开的工作簿,并提示是否保存: Sub Clo...
To open a workbook using VBA, you need to use the “Workbook.Open” method and specify the path of the file (make sure to specify the full path to the workbook with name and extension file type). This method has a total of fifteen optional arguments which you can use to deal with di...
打开一个工作簿。 expression.Open(FileName,UpdateLinks,ReadOnly,Format,Password,WriteResPassword,IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended,Origin,Delimiter,Editable,Notify,Converter,AddToMru,Local,CorruptLoad) 编辑结束后,如果要关闭工作簿,可以使用Workbook.Close。 expression.Close(SaveChanges,FileName,RouteWorkbook) 代码示例: ...
I have a Macro for a scrolling marquee which works fine but I'm just trying to get it to run on opening the workbook. Any suggestions? No issue with the Macro, just activating autorun. Thanks. Using this code: Private Sub Workbook_Open()Sub DoMarquee()Dim sMarquee As StringDim iWi...
Sub testWBOpen1() Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="I:\09. Excel\01.解读Excel VBA\excelvbaSample.xlsm") End Sub 打开工作簿excelvbaSample.xlsm并将该工作簿赋值给变量wb。在代码中,可以直接使用对象变量wb来操作该工作簿。
1 Workbooks.Open 打开一个工作簿。 expression.Open(FileName,UpdateLinks,ReadOnly,Format,Password,WriteResPassword,IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended,Origin,Delimiter,Editable,Notify,Converter,AddToMru,Local,CorruptLoad) 编辑结束后,如果要关闭工作簿,可以使用Workbook.Close。
Sub testWBOpen1() Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:='I:\09. Excel\01.解读Excel VBA\excelvbaSample.xlsm') End Sub 打开工作簿excelvbaSample.xlsm并将该工作簿赋值给变量wb。在代码中,可以直接使用对象变量wb来操作该工作簿。
An example of the VBA code te open an Excel file which requires ca password and contains links that need to be updated: Dim strFilename As String: strFilename = "C:\temp\book24.xslx" Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFilename, Password:="hi123", UpdateLinks:...
我们使用它来强制关闭在关闭Excel工作簿之后保持打开状态的vba项目; Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) On Error 浏览9提问于2019-03-20得票数 0 1回答 是否有Excel函数来检查另一个Excel文件是否正在积极保存? 、 是否有VBA代码可用于检查Excel文件是否正在积极保存? Workbooks.Open filename:=Du...