In this article, we will demonstrate a step-by-step procedure to check if a number is odd or even with VBA in Excel. We used Office 365, but you may use any version at your disposal. Step 1 – Select Dataset We’ll use the following dataset which has two columns,NumberandType. The...
Fixed - 按指定的位数四舍五入,返回类型是String,可以指定显示不显示逗号(第三个参数决定,False则显示逗号,True则不显示逗号). Odd - 返回比参数大的最接近的奇数。 Even - 返回比参数大的最接近的偶数。 数值运算类: Average AverageIf AverageIfs Max Min Large Small Sum SumIf SumIfs SumProduct SumSq Sum...
Fixed - 按指定的位数四舍五入,返回类型是String,可以指定显示不显示逗号(第三个参数决定,False则显示逗号,True则不显示逗号). Odd - 返回比参数大的最接近的奇数。 Even - 返回比参数大的最接近的偶数。 数值运算类: Average AverageIf AverageIfs Max Min Large Small Sum SumIf SumIfs SumProduct SumSq Sum...
1. VBA内置的函数 VBA内置函数是VBA种可以直接使⽤的函数,很多处理函数也相当有⽤。调⽤⽅式:直接使⽤函数,或者使⽤VBA调⽤。例如Shell()或者VBA.Shell()。VBA内置的函数主要涉及以下⼏类:测试类函数:IsNumeric(x) - 是否为数字, 返回Boolean结果。IsDate(x) - 是否是⽇期, 返回Boolean...
Sub CheckOddOrEven() Dim num As Integer num = InputBox("请输入一个整数:") Dim result As String result = IIf(num Mod 2 = 0, "偶数", "奇数") MsgBox result End Sub ``` 二、循环语句 循环语句用于重复执行一段代码块,以便处理大量的数据或实现重复的任务。在VBA中,常见的循环语句有FOR循环...
Checking Odd or Even Values:Suppose we want to determine whether a value in an Excel sheet is odd or even. We can achieve this using the following code snippet: Sub Multiple_condition() Dim rng As Range Set rng = Selection var = rng.Cells(1, 1).Value ...
Below is an example code where I check whether the number in cell A1 is odd or even. Sub CheckOddEven() CheckValue = Range("A1").Value Select Case (CheckValue Mod 2) = 0 Case True MsgBox "The number is even" Case False MsgBox "The number is odd" End Select End Sub ...
Odd - 返回比参数大的最接近的奇数。 Even - 返回比参数大的最接近的偶数。 数值运算类: Average AverageIf AverageIfs Max Min Large Small Sum SumIf SumIfs SumProduct SumSq SumX2MY2 SumX2MY2 SumX2PY2 SumXMY2 Count CountA CountBlank CountIf CountIfs ...
VBA Even or Odd: Simple VBA exercise that teaches you to sort data as even or odd VBA First Capital Letter: VBA exercise that teaches you to make the first capital letter of all the elements of a column VBA Intersection: Simple VBA exercise that teaches you to use named Ranges and the ...
ODD 函数将数字向上舍入为最接近的奇数 PI 函数 返回 pi 的值 POWER 函数 返回数的乘幂 PRODUCT 函数 将其参数相乘 QUOTIENT 函数 返回除法的整数部分 RADIANS 函数 将度转换为弧度 RAND 函数 返回 0 和 1 之间的一个随机数 RANDBETWEEN 函数 返回位于两个指定数之间的一个随机数 ...