处理“Object Required”错误的方法包括: 检查对象声明:确保在使用对象之前已经正确地声明并实例化了对象。 使用On Error语句:通过使用On Error语句,可以在错误发生时提供处理机制。 On Error Resume Next ' 继续执行下一行代码 On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' 跳转到错误处理代码块 错误处理代码块:创建一个错误处理代...
When VBA is not able to recognize the object for which you are referring to the property or a method it shows you the Object Required error. In simple words, if you refer to an object, but the name of that object is not correct (that object is not in the VBA’s object hierarchy) ...
Have you ever encountered a run time error 424 in Excel? If you do, this post may help you fix this object-required VBA error with several workable solutions. Read on to get your methods and how to fix Excel files once they are damaged.
在创建销售订单时,保存之后,出现如下显示: 点放大镜出现: 出现上面红色错误的时候 怎么解决 解决...
If you put the Workbooks.Open code line in a loop in will error on the second iteration because it will already be open. Here is the amended code with notes on some good practices. Hope this helps. Sub AccumlatedDataforQuaterlyReports() ...
Err.Raise vbObjectError 1, SRC & 'CallFunc', 'Function not found' 'Raise an error if running compiled End If ' ' strLastFunc = strFunc 'Save the function name PutMem4 vCode &H19, fnAddress - vCode - (&H19 4) 'Patch the code with the relative address to the target function ...
You use the object model of the Office application to call the function. For example, Excel provides the Run method to call VBA subroutines and functions. To use the Run method, you pass the name of the subroutine or function as the first parameter. The remaining optional parameters...
“Could not load an object because it is not available on this machine” error message when starting Excel with a workbook or an Add-In that uses components from the selected file. Usually a second other error message is also triggered is “Compile error in hid...