以下是一个具体的示例,展示了如何在VBA中使用If语句和逻辑运算符来判断多个条件: vba Sub CheckMultipleConditions() Dim score As Integer Dim attendance As Integer score = 85 attendance = 90 If score >= 60 And attendance >= 75 Then MsgBox "学生成绩和出勤率均达标,通过考核!" ElseIf score...
In the above code, both conditions are false, and when yourun this code, it executes the line of code that we have specified if the result is false. Multiple Conditions with IF OR In the same way, you can also test more than two conditions at the same time. Let’s continue the abov...
Sub FindMultipleConditions() Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Set rng = Range("A1:E100") '假设数据在这个范围内 For Each cell In rng If cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "销售部" And cell.Offset(0, 3).Value > 30 Then '这里假设部门在第2列,年龄在第4列,姓名在第1列 cell...
python 并不支持 switch 语句,所以多个条件判断,只能用 elif 来实现,接下来我们就来看看如何用if语句...
Note that we can also enter multiple values: CaseIs=6,7'If the value = 6 or 7CaseIs<>6,7'If the value is different from 6 or 7 Or a range of values: Case6To10'If the value = from 6 to 10
jquery tmpl if else if多个条件 if 中多个条件 javascript多个if语句 多分支的if语句和跳楼现象 例1:用户输入成绩,如果成绩大于等于85,那么提示优秀;否则,如果成绩大于等于70,那么提示良好;否则,如果成绩介于60-69之间,那么提示及格;否则,不及格。 var score=parseFloat(prompt("请输入成绩")); if (score>=85...
If found, copy data from the row of that matching cell in "Source" and paste it in "Dest". (in actuality, i have multiple conditions to meet) Both sheets could have about 3000 rows. And my coding is simply taking far too long looping through both sheets and copy paste. ...
With the single-line form, it is possible to have multiple statements executed as the result of anIf...Thendecision. All statements must be on the same line and separated by colons, as in the following statement: VBKopiér IfA >10ThenA = A +1: B = B + A : C = C + B ...
Sub SearchMultipleConditions() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim searchValue1 As String Dim searchValue2 As String ' 设置搜索条件 searchValue1 = "条件1" searchValue2 = "条件2" ' 设置搜索范围 Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") Set rng = ws.Range("A1...