Exit Sub 直接退出程序Exit Sub。 宏使用Application对象的InputBox方法。如果用户单击取消(Cancel),这个方法返回False,并且什么也不发生(InputBox消失)。 ② 录入正确 Case Is = "CP1972" MsgBox "密码正确,可以运行程序!" 当密码正确,弹出一个对话框"密码正确,可以运行程序!" ③ 其他情况: Case Else MsgBox "...
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() '保存 If UserForm1.TextBox1.Value = "" Or UserForm1.TextBox2.Value = "" Or UserForm1.TextBox3.Value = "" Then MsgBox "信息有空值,请确认!": Exit Sub If MsgBox("是否要保存记录?", vbOKCancel, "提示") = vbCancel Then Exit Sub Dim cnADO, rsAD...
'打开对话框,选择,取得文件夹路径,返回stringFunction SelectGetFolder() '选择单一文件 With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) .InitialFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path If .Show = -1 Then 'FileDialog 对象的 Show 方法显示对话框,并且返回 -1(如果您按 OK)和 0(如果您按 Cancel)。' MsgBox "您...
1-2两步可用我们的自定义函数 '打开对话框,选择,取得文件夹路径,返回stringFunction SelectGetFolder() '选择单一文件With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) If .Show = -1 Then 'FileDialog 对象的 Show 方法显示对话框,并且返回 -1(如果您按 OK)和 0(如果您按 Cancel)。' MsgBox "您选择的文...
MsgBox Prompt:="This is a MsgBox ", _ Buttons:=vbOKOnly, _ Title:="MsgBox" End Sub 2. vbOKCancel This constant gives you an OK and cancel button. Now the user has two options to press OK to proceed or cancel to exit. Sub OKCancel() ...
If MsgBox(“Continue?”,vbYesNo)<>vbYes Then Exit Sub '返回值不为“是”,则退出 (82) Config=vbYesNo+vbQuestion+vbDefaultButton2 '使用常量的组合,赋值组Config变量,并设置第二个按钮为缺省按钮 (83) MsgBox “This is the first line.” & vbNewLine & “Second line.” '在消息框中强制换行...
Sub PopupMsgbox(Optional prompt As String = "OK", Optional title As String = "友情提示", Optional seconds As Long = 300) MsgBoxTimeOut 0, prompt, title, 64, 0, seconds End Sub 2.3 为文本框添加事件代码: Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) ...
MsgBox “This is the example Yes No Cancel Syntax”, vbYesNoCancel + vbExclamation We can use Userforms to create customized Message Boxes: MsgBox Without OK button, without buttons, no buttons to show prompt. We can use command buttons, radio buttons in UserForm. We can fortmat the text,...
If btn = vbCancel Then Exit Sub End If If Sheets.Count = 1 Then MsgBox ("1シートのみ存在していますので、処理中止します。") Exit Sub End If Set currSheet = ActiveSheet Dim firstSheet As Worksheet Dim left As Single, top As Single, width As Single, height As Single ...
Exit Sub 直接退出程序Exit Sub。 宏使用Application对象的InputBox方法。如果用户单击取消(Cancel),这个方法返回False,并且什么也不发生(InputBox消失)。 ② 录入正确 Case Is = "CP1972" MsgBox "密码正确,可以运行程序!" 当密码正确,弹出一个对话框"密码正确,可以运行程序!" ...