在VBA中循环遍历范围的替代解决方案 是使用For Each循环。For Each循环可以遍历集合中的每个元素,而不需要指定范围的起始和结束位置。 下面是一个示例代码,演示如何使用For Each循环遍历Excel工作表中的所有单元格: 代码语言:txt 复制 Sub LoopThroughRange() Dim cell As Range Dim rng As Range Set rng = ThisW...
varAction = Array("Gridlines", "Formulas", "Preview") ' Add shortcut menu to CommandBars collection. Set objMenu = CommandBars.Add(Position:=msoBarPopup, Temporary:=True) ' Loop through arrays to add commands to shortcut menu. For i = 0 To UBound(varAction) Set objCommand = objMenu....
下面代码大概扫描100个文件要15秒 SubLoopThroughFiles()DimMyObjAsObject,MySourceAsObject,fileAsVariantSetMySource=MyObj.GetFolder("c:\testfolder\")ForEachfileInMySource.FilesIfInStr(file.name,"test")>0ThenMsgBox"found"ExitSubEndIfNextfileEndSub 用DIR加筛选,不用1秒,扫描所有文件! SubLoopThroughFiles...
1)<>"\" Then MyPath=MyPath&"\" End If 'If there are no Excel filesinthe ...
Then in the Finalize macro, you can loop through the Array and perform the necessary database write operations all at once. Final Notes Converting an existing workbook to use HPC Services for Excel is more of an art then a science. The specific details -- what code to move, and where ...
DimTestArray(10)AsInteger, IAsVariantForEachIInTestArray TestArray(I) = INextI Looping through a range of cells Use aFor Each...Nextloop to loop through the cells in a range. The following procedure loops through the range A1:D10 on Sheet1 and sets any number whose absolute value is...
For i = 1 To 511 'Loop through a 'sane' number of vtable entries GetMem4 j, n 'Get the method pointer ' If IsBadCodePtr(n) Then 'If the method pointer is an invalid code address GoTo vTableEnd 'We've reached the end of the vTable, exit the for loop ...
Loop spline = y(i) + (xi - x(i)) * (b(i) + (xi - x(i)) * (c(i) + (xi - x(i)) * d(i))) End Function Sub TestSpline() Dim x() As Variant, y() As Variant Dim xi As Double, yi As Double ' 设置插值数据点 x = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) y = Array(0, ...
' Loop through all worksheetsinthe workbook For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets If Not ws.Visible=xlSheetVeryHidden Then Set newBook=Workbooks.Add ws.Copy Before:=newBook.Sheets(1)newBook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path&'\' & ws.Name & '.xlsx' ...
Dim sngArray() As Single 1. 注意 可以在过程中使用 ReDim 语句来做隐含性的数组声明。当使用 ReDim 语句时要小心点,不要拼错数组的名称。否则即使在模块中有包含 Option Explicit 语句,仍然会因此而生成第二个数组。 对于过程中的数组范围,可以使用 ReDim 语句去改变它的维数,去定义元素的数目以及每个维数的...