number=number*26+Asc(Mid(temp,2,1))-Asc("A")+1'Third letter IfLen(letter)>=3Then number=number*26+Asc(Mid(temp,3,1))-Asc("A")+1IfLen(letter)>=4Then LetterToNum="Letter more than three"Exit Function End If End If End If LetterToNum=Format(number,"00000")'非字符串 Else Le...
In Excel sheet, type ‘=Col_Letter_To_Number(“AA”)’ & press Enter key. The function will return 27 as its column number. Same way, this function can also be used in any vba macro function.
点击后代码会运行,程序中我给出的是”AG”列,要求求出这列的列数值,结果如下: 代码见程序文件:VBA_ConvertColumnNumberToLetter.xlsm
a column number to its corresponding column letter in Excel with VBA code using 3 methods: converting a specific column number to its column letter, converting a user-input column number to its letter, and creating a UDF (User-Defined Function) to convert a column number to its letter.Method...
Function ColIntToLetter(intCol As Integer) As String '' Dim intPart As Integer Dim intRemainder As Integer If intCol > 255 Or intCol <= 0 Then MsgBox ("The Wrong Column Number: " & CStr(intCol)) Exit Function End If intPart = intCol \ 26 intRemainder = intCol Mod 26 If intPart...
Errorhandler ColLetter = Left(Cells(1, ColNumber).Address(0, 0), 1 - (ColNumber > 26)) Exit Function Errorhandler: MsgBox "Error encountered, please re-enter " End Function '### '2.函数作用:返回列标2 '### Function ColIntToLetter(intCol As Integer) As String '' Dim intPart As ...
Another technique to get the column letter from a column number is using theCells()function with theAddress()function. Here is how to get the column letter. Syntax: Cells(1, Column Number).Address The statement returns the cell reference in the following format:$CV$1. Execution of the code...
Get vba code & Excel formula to get Column letter from column number, in here. For example, If you pass ‘1’ to the function in this code, it will return as “A”. Similarly “B” for 2, “C” for 3 & so on. Lets first see the Excel vba code & then its equivalent formula...
Second and Fourth values and how to handle when the Fourth value is a 9. I've included if statements following true to below If SFourthLetter = 9 but it's not working. If someone can get me on the right track with the Fourth letter and/or the Third letter I can figure out the re...