–String(number, character):制定字符重复若干次 –StrReverse 字符串案例:[7] FunctionStringTest()DimsAsStrings ="Hello,world "'求长度Debug.Print Len(s)'去掉两端空格Debug.Print Len(Trim(s))'替换s中子串a,用b替代Debug.Print Replace(s,"world","chadm")'从左边取若干字符Debug.Print Left(s,5)'...
1 = vbTextCompare - 执行文本比较 Lcase(String)/UCase(String) 小写转大写/大写转小写 Left(String, Length) '从字符串的左侧返回指定数量的字符 Right(String, Length) '从字符串的右侧返回指定数量的字符 Mid(字符串,从第几个开始,长度) '返回给定输入字符串中指定数量的字符 Ltrim(String) /RTrim(String)/...
Print Left(var,9) ' microsoft End Sub4.5 Replace 函数Replace 函数 将一个字符串替换另一个字符串,可指定的次数。 语法:Replace(string, findString, replaceWith[, start[, count[, compare]]]) 参数:String - 必需的参数。需要被搜索的字符串。 findString - 必需的参数。将被替换的字符串部分。 replace...
Changing the CompanyName property was a simple change of an entire string. To change the domain of the e-mail address from@example.comto@example.netrequires a string operation. Each string has a built in numbering system where every character has an index number starting at 1. You can use...
Left 和Right 截取字符串,从左或者从右开始。 语法:Left(String, Length) 参数:String - 必需的参数。 输入从左侧返回指定数量的字符的字符串。 Length - 必需的参数。 一个整数,指定要返回的字符数。Private Sub Constant_demo_Click() Dim var as Variant var = "Microsoft VBScript" Debug.Print Left(var...
Left,Right,Mid: 截取子字符串 Space(数值) :生成空格字符串 Ucase,Lcase:大小写转换函数 Ltrim, Rtrim,Trim :删除首尾空格 Replace():替换 Split:分割一个字符串成为一维数组 StrComp:字符串比较 StrConv:字符串转换 String(number, character):制定字符重复若干次 用户窗体设计 修改显示的文字(名称) 1.caption是...
MsgBox "The path separator character is " & _ Application.PathSeparator Move 方法 将一个指定的文件或文件夹从一个地方移动到另一个地方。 语法 object.Move destination Move 方法语法有如下几部分: 部分 描述 object 必需的。始终是一个 File 或 Folder 对象的名字。
Until now, the InStr function only provided the position from the left side of a string. But what if you need to find the text position from the right side? Enter the InStrRev function, which searches from the right. It works similarly to InStr but finds the position of a text from ...
The Left function returns all characters of the Output string except for the last character (a comma). Now, we’ll call this MultipleValueFinding function to get the names of the products sold by a specific salesperson. For this: Code Breakdown Sub FindProductsSoldBySalesperson() Declares a ...